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The healer shuffled over while Sahin and Delilah stepped from the infirmary, allowing them privacy now that Ezul was awake and able to adequately protect his woman.

“I have barred access to the guards and politicians present within the capitol who are demanding you confess to the death of the capitol guard,” Churot told him bluntly. “Once your mate has been treated and is deemed well, they will be allowed entry into the infirmary.”

“Do you know what ails her?” Ezul had never heard of a touch burning another, and there were no blisters or red marks on her skin that would usually indicate a burn. Then he saw the bruising on her delicate throat.

Ezul stood from the healing pod before rage hit him anew, tucking Cordelia safely back under the sheets in case she was still chilled. He was uncaring of the government threat lingering outside, only focusing on his mate becoming well once more.

The bed made a whirring noise, startling his Cordelia.

“All is well, my mate.” Ezul kissed the crown of her head before stepping back. “This is simply to scan you for any external wounds and damage.”

Cordelia’s eyes widened as the bed became a capsule, a clear, split dome rising from the floor. It met above the bed, sealing together and trapping Cordelia inside. She touched the clear glass, jerking her hand away when it contorted around her fingers.

“It kind of feels like gelatin,” she told him, her voice filled with awe. Watching her experience new things made his heart feel lighter. He wanted to show her anything and everything from his world.

Churot placed his palm on a transparent handprint scanner built into the side of the dome, verifying his identity before he began typing on the device. Once he was finished, a harsh green light filtered in from the top of the glass. It scanned her body, mainly focusing on her neck and head.

“What’s happening now,” Cordelia asked, sitting up in the bed and gathering the sheet around her.

The dome was just high enough that she didn’t hit her head on the glass, but Ezul grew uncomfortable as Cordelia shifted, her knuckles whitening as she clutched the sheet tight.

“As Ezul stated, I am scanning your body to pick up on any areas of concern. Once I can determine some of your injuries, the machine will begin to heal you. I know you’ve been experiencing unbearable agony. Unfortunately, this machine can only heal injuries, not cramping or the sexual need induced by the pollen, so if your pain is a result of that, this pod won’t be as effective as I’d hoped,” Churot explained.

“Pod? Ez, is this the fancy bed you mentioned–”

The machine began to drone softly, blocking out Cordelia’s raspy voice. She looked at Ezul in confusion and he nodded at her in reassurance.

Cordelia’s shoulders sagged and she rested on her back once more, staring up at the clear dome in equal parts astonishment and trepidation.

Churot smiled at Cordelia before casting a sly glance to Ezul. “Originally, I wasn’t sure what could cause Cordelia such harm. She cannot handle touch, claiming it burns her, and the pain within her womb is more extreme than that of the normal side effects of our pollen. “

The healer tapped several buttons on the pod before continuing. “Knowing now that you are mated, I can safely conclude that Cordelia has been suffering from mating withdrawal.”

Ezul sputtered, shock slackening his jaw. They might have claimed they were mates but it did not make it true. There was a ritual required; blood had to be claimed from each mate and–

Ezul ran a hand down his face, thinking back on their time together in the cave.

Specifically, their last time together.

He’d bitten Cordelia’s lip as she’d ridden his cock, tasting her coppery blood while she’d fucked him. She’d been excited to take him, possessive even. Was that enough for a true mating? Surely not, and yet...

“A blood exchange is required for a full mating, correct? We intended to fully mate,” Ezul hastily lied when the healer eyed him curiously. “But I have only taken her blood. I did not think a mating was possible without a full exchange.”

Churot smiled at Ezul, mollified by his answer. “Typically among Aragnokans, yes, you would need to exchange blood. But as your mate is human, perhaps the intent of a mating also works. You took her blood and she recognized you as her mate. All the key elements of Al’Shokar were there.”

Al’Shokar was an intimate mating ceremony between two people, rare among his kind as traditional mating ceremonies were almost always used for political alliances to ensure specific bloodlines survived among his people.

Many believed that when love or affection was the sole reason for a mating then that union could become blessed, earning favor from one of their deities, thus creating a mating through Al’Shokar.

Ezul stood up straighter, feeling more important and worthy than he had in his entire life.

Had Cordelia silently chosen him as her mate? Did that mean she intended to stay? Could Ezul be so fortunate? His kind rarely had the luxury to mate for love, especially as a warrior. Warriors were often too busy fighting in wars on other planets, not searching for love matches.

The machine encasing Cordelia quieted. The dome above her head split in two, silently returning to its original position and disappearing below the bed.

Cordelia sat up quickly, scrambling from the mattress and tossing the sheet back onto the bed. Her torn gown hung open, revealing her creamy skin to not only Ezul’s gaze, but the healer’s as well.

Ezul growled possessively at the man before pulling his blue tunic up over his head and dressing Cordelia in the garment.
