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She wasn’t sure why the cramping in her womb was muted with him nearby, but she could have wept in relief. Hell, she was tempted to, if only to purge herself of the emotions that were nearly overwhelming in their intensity.

Ezul murmured something incoherently, his lips brushing across the crown of her head. She noticed lines forming around the corners of his eyes and lips as he stared down at her. He looked exhausted.

Cordelia’s brow furrowed in worry. “Ez?” Ezul kissed her forehead again instead of responding, his breathing heavy, as if he’d just run a marathon. “Are you alright?”

“All is well, my Cordelia.” His words were comforting but he sounded so tired.

A familiar looking man stepped into the room, pausing when he caught sight of the four of them. It took Cordelia a moment to realize this was the same doctor who’d come by to check on her earlier that morning.

He eyed Sahin and Ezul with a huff. “I’d heard there was a commotion within the harem. I should have known you two would be at the heart of this nonsense.”

Ezul grunted. “My mate is injured, Churot. Heal her.” And with that, he passed out, his body going lax on the bed beside her.

Cordelia gave a startled cry, trying to sit up despite the throbbing behind her eyes.

“Calm yourself, Cordelia,” Sahin said, coming to his brother’s side. “Ezul has exerted himself and just needs rest. This is common.”

“What? He just passes out like this?”

Sahin nodded, patting Ezul’s shoulder. “Only when his lightning is overused. He should rouse in a few minutes as he did not wield it for long.”

Yeah, just long enough to burn her assailant to a crisp.

Ezul had been on the verge of passing out and he’d still managed to carry her around until they’d made it to the doctor? Why?

Cordelia’s eyes softened as she watched him sleep. His face was relaxed, the lines around his mouth and forehead easing until he looked younger. Less stressed.

Something inside her heart shifted and softened. Cordelia reached out, taking Ezul’s hand in hers.

Chapter 11

Ezulsatupquickly,blinking furiously until his eyes adjusted to his surroundings. He hated losing consciousness after exerting so much power. Not knowing where he was initially left him vulnerable, and yet he had dealt with the feeling twice in just as many days.

Sahin and Delilah were off to the side of the room, speaking quietly with the healer, Churot. He scanned the rest of the room for threats. Once satisfied that no danger lurked within the infirmary, Ezul shifted until he was facing his Cordelia.

She was as he’d left her, lying beside him on the healing pod. But now her small hand was engulfed by his large one, her fingers intertwined with his.

Holding someone’s fingers was a peculiar sensation, but when she squeezed gently, Ezul found he quite liked the intimacy of it. His heart clenched, fear lancing him at the thought that he might not have experienced this moment with her if he’d arrived too late.

Ezul couldn’t remember ever feeling so much in his life, not until he’d met Cordelia. Now he felt raw with so many feelings. Fear, worry, hope, affection, caring. Before, his life had been so mundane. Now, every day was new and unexpected.

He wasn’t sure that he minded it.

“Have you been seen to?” he asked her roughly. Of course she hadn’t, it was clear to see that his Cordelia was still in pain. He turned to Churot and snapped, “She’s here for treatment. Treat her.”

He would not have her suffering anymore, whether from one of his kind’s cruel handling or the negligence from a healer. He’d tear Churot apart if his Cordelia was not tended to immediately, just like he had that guard.

“I was waiting for you to wake up,” Cordelia told him, her hoarse voice drawing his attention back to her. “It hurts when anyone but you touches me, and I didn’t want to be alone.” Ezul’s gaze softened. Turning back to the healer, who was now standing next to Sahin, he glowered at them both.

“My mate will be treated.Now.“ The title for Cordelia rolled off his tongue nicely. He hoped she would still allow him to refer to her the same way once they were alone and recovered.

He’d heard Delilah whispering to Cordelia while he’d been pulling apart that low-life piece of ratliq feces. Cordelia had claimed him as hers in order to protect him.

Would she consent to actually becoming his if he asked her once she felt better? Ezul cast a hard eye to Delilah. Perhaps Sahin’s mate had more information that could assist him in his endeavors to become truly mated.

Despite being stripped of his title, Ezul was a warrior and a strategist. He would do whatever was necessary in order to guarantee Cordelia became his in every sense of the word. She would no longer crave Earth’s call when he was finished with his courting.

She would only crave him.
