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“Then you do not wish to be mated? You blame this on me?” His expression shuttered. He dropped his hands from her body, feeling torn and dejected.

“Wha– No, that’s not what I meant, Ez.” Cordelia’s face softened and she grabbed his hands in hers, looking down shyly. “I just thought you wouldn’t want more than a few nights in a creepy cave with me.”

“I want all the nights you wish to give me,” Ezul admitted, his plan for a slow courting evaporating as quickly as his mist. “And all the days as well.”

Her head popped up. “Really?”

Commotion drew their conversation to a quick close as four senators filed into the infirmary, Jakkar leading the small group until they were lined up in front of him and his mate.

Vermile, another among them, was standing far too close to Cordelia for Ezul’s liking, and his lip curled into a silent snarl of warning. This was the same male who, less than a day ago, had accused Ezul of harming Cordelia. He wanted the fool nowhere near his Runa.

In fact, he wanted no one near her except for his family. Clearly they were incompetent, their version of ‘care’ nothing more than vague indifference.

Bringing her back under the protection of his arm, the look on his face was unmistakable as he pinned a glare at every male in sight. He’d rip apart anyone that made another move toward her.

“You’ve been busy,” his father stated, eyeing the way Ezul held his mate with appreciation. “You were told you were no longer welcome at the capitol.”

“You also told me if Cordelia was my mate then that restriction would be reevaluated.”

Jakkar’s lip twitched before he cleared his throat, nodding his head in agreement. “This is true.”

Vermile, the shorter senator, spoke directly to Ezul’s mate. “We heard of the incident with the capitol guard. It is never acceptable for a male to put his hands on another in any way that is not reciprocated, especially when that male is tasked with upkeeping the safety of our citizens. Please accept our deepest apologies for Komel’s atrocious behavior.”

Cordelia remained silent, shifting away from Vermile and burying her head in Ezul’s chest. He could feel the heat from her body burning hotter as the effect of the pollen began to spread through her once more.

Conditioned to sate her needs, Ezul’s dick stood at attention, more than ready to sink into her welcoming cunt.

“Explain your reasoning for breaking the terms of your punishment,” Arombk demanded, shooting a hostile look at Cordelia before his eyes narrowed on Ezul.

Ezul snarled at the male, baring his sharp teeth in warning.

Cordelia ran a hand over his chest. “It’s okay.” Mollified, Ezul decided he wouldn’t string Arombk up by his intestines just for looking at Cordelia with anything other than reverence. He was feeling generous.

“I sensed my mate’s turmoil and breached the capitol,” Ezul admitted. “If she had been questioned prior to this, she could have confirmed her status as my mate, and this entire situation would have been avoided. If you seek to punish me for protecting her welfare, then do so. If not, I demand we be released at once so I may tend to my Runa’s sexual needs as the heat spreads.”

“Please don’t say it like that,” Cordelia whispered into his muscled frame, squirming against him. Ezul huffed, uncertain why she appeared so shy. Was it the recent attack, or did humans never speak to others about sex?

On his planet, it wasn’t a taboo or secretive subject. They looked upon it medically more than anything else, especially since their population was nearing extinction.

“I was assured Cordelia would be questioned as soon as we saw you out of the capitol building,” his father claimed, eyeing Arombk warily.

“Cordelia was in no condition to answer any questions,” the healer answered before Arombk could, drawing the gaze of the occupants in the room. “I did not realize at the time she was suffering from mating withdrawal, otherwise I would have suggested she be returned to Ezul immediately.”

“A mating withdrawal,” his father repeated, eyes lighting up in delighted surprise. “So you trulyaremates! I believe congratulations are in order, my son! Another daughter to bring into the family. How splendid!”

Ezul felt his lips curve upward until Cordelia shifted against him again, reminding him that he had other responsibilities to attend to. He nodded his head at the officials.

“If we may be allowed to leave, I would appreciate doing so.”

“Of course, of course,” his father stated, stepping aside to clear a path for Ezul. “Please know that we will require you back here tomorrow for a meeting with Sahin and myself, as well as a few other key members of the government. I’ll explain everything to you later,” his father murmured, noting the confusion on Ezul’s face.

“Very well,” Ezul agreed, scooping up Cordelia.

It was time to take her home.

Chapter 12

Cordeliadidn’tknowhowshe made it inside the private transport without throwing herself at Ezul. She hadn’t been able to talk to him in what felt like forever, and now that he was here, all she wanted to do was rip his leathers off and show him just how much she’d missed him. She was achy, burning with a sensual heat after being repaired by the healing bed.
