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She would take the normal effects of the pollen over mating withdrawal, which had been horrifying and painful, any day of the week. No one had been able to touch her except Ezul, and now that his touch was constant, the withdrawal had ended. Delilah had never mentioned anything like this.

Cordelia could only imagine how awful it would have been if she’d been suffering from the pollen and mating withdrawal at once. Luckily for her, the pollen’s sexual side effects had abated during that time.

But now that she was healed? It had come back with a vengeance, morphing her arousal into a ferocious beast in need of sating. She couldn’t help but feel a spike of desire spread with each step Ezul took with her secured in his arms.

It didn’t help that he smelled like a rainstorm with a hint of smoke, and each inhale of his scent made her positively ache for him. Or maybe it was because he’d ripped some guy apart for her, carried her to safety, and then ensured she was healed.

They needed to talk about so many things. Time had passed by in a whirlwind since they’d come out of that cave, to the point where she hadn’t even had a moment to process anything. Not really.

Not her escape, not Ezul and the way he made her feel, both physically and emotionally… Not beingmated.

Before all of that, she’d been planning on using any means necessary to get back to Earth.

But now? Now… that plan was on the backburner, almost entirely forgotten in the wake of Ezul and the possibilities he represented–a future where she might actually be happy.

She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt anything other than stressed or, quite frankly, depressed. For so long, it had felt like she wasn’t really living. Not until she’d met Ezul. And even then, she’d thought he hated her until they tumbled into that cave.

What had changed for him? Was it just sex? Something more? She had no idea, and she needed to explore that, to make sure that it washerhe really wanted, and not just the idea of a mate.

And was that what she wanted? To be with him? To stay here? To be mated? Her heart fluttered at the thought. She wanted to get to know him, to learn everything she could about him, and now that it was in the cards for her, she didn’t want to pass up the opportunity for more.

Cordelia shook her head as Ezul set her on her feet. She’d think about all of that later. Much later, when her core wasn’t dripping and her womb wasn’t clenching in need. When she could keep a level head and think about something other than sex.

The door to the transport sealed shut behind them, and after Ezul punched a few numbers into the front of the vehicle, he sat down on a bench, beckoning her forward.

“I do not wish you to fall, Runa. Have a seat.”

Cordelia did as instructed, lifting the skirt of her ripped dress to her hips, walking right over to him and straddling his waist. Ezul’s head snapped back in surprise, his hands automatically finding her waist and holding on. She sank onto his lap, her knees squeezing his thighs.

“I can’t wait until we get home,” she murmured, leaning in and kissing him. Ezul groaned in response, his breath hitching when her hands found the hair at the nape of his neck and pulled him in, angling him just right for a deep, soul-searching kiss.

Cordelia didn’t usually lead a kiss, but there was something about straddling her strong alien and kissing him until he moaned for her that left her a needy mess.

She was determined to drive him wild for her, to sink him into the same desperate, yearning experience she constantly felt when she was around him.

She teased the tip of Ezul’s tongue, completely forgetting how much longer his own was until he took control of their heated kiss, dominating her mouth.

He cupped the back of her head, holding her locked to him while he took his time, exploring every inch of her mouth until she was writhing on top of him, grinding on the erection she could feel tenting his leathers.

The transport came to a light stop, but Cordelia barely paid attention, wholly focused on the roll of her hips. The pressure was exquisite, and she couldn’t get enough. Her thighs burned as she rode him, lost in each heady brush of their bodies until he nipped her lower lip, drawing blood.

She jerked back, a breathy moan escaping from her as he sucked her lower lip into his mouth to soothe the sting. A shock of pleasure traveled all the way to her clit, taking the heat of her desire and transforming it into an inferno she couldn’t escape from, not that she wanted to.

“I need you,” she begged. He released her lip with a pop, his eyes glazed over with lust. “Take me right here, Ez. Right now!” Dropping her head to his neck, she nipped and sucked, leaving her own mark.

Ezul gripped her tightly to him, a ragged groan filling her ears. She loved that sound. He was on the verge of losing control, and she wanted him to free fall into this ecstasy with her.

“Need you inside,” he bit out through gritted teeth. “In my bed, where you belong.”

“Yes!” She needed that too. She’d go wherever he wanted to fuck her, just as long as he didn’t make her wait too long. The pollen was consuming her, driving her mad with want.

And, oh how shewantedhim.

Ezul carried her from the vehicle, grunting when she nipped his neck again. She couldn’t help herself, so she didn’t even bother holding back. Instead, she acted on instinct as her surroundings became a blur around her. Nothing else mattered, she was oblivious to all but sating her rampant lust.

Ezul muttered under his breath before there was a whooshing noise behind Cordelia, and then he was bringing her into his home, the door sliding shut behind them before he found a chair to drop himself in.

“I cannot make it to my room,” he admitted. “My need for you is too great.”
