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“I was stripped of my status as a warrior and marked as an outcast in the government database. Don’t worry,” Ezul added frantically as a small sob caught in her throat. He reached across the table, taking her hands in his. “This meeting today will likely reverse that. All will be well.”

“But what if they don’t reinstate you?” He’d spent his whole life as a warrior, and after two weeks of knowing her, she’d been the reason he’d lost his calling. She couldn’t bear the guilt.

Ezul shrugged, squeezing her hands. “Then it was worth it, just to ensure your safety. Nothing is more important than you. Not to me.”

Cordelia blew out a trembling breath, giving him a wobbly smile.

“Do not cry,” he whispered, agitation heavy in his voice. “All will be well,” he repeated confidently. He released her after a few moments, sitting back in his seat.

“Okay, okay.” Cordelia wiped at her eyes, picking her spoon back up. There was no way she was going to turn down his worm soup now that he’d told her what he’d sacrificed for her. “I’m sure they’ll reinstate you now that they know we’re mates.”

She hoped so, anyway.

“I would like that, but I can only assume I will be forced to retire either way. Sahin was required to do so with Delilah.”

Cordelia swallowed more of the broth. “Yes, but I thought he was only retired because Delilah is pregnant? Isn’t it just temporary?”

Ezul shrugged, watching her gather more broth onto her spoon as he answered. “This is true, but you could easily be with my child even now. Your heat has lessened in just a few days, and we know from Delilah that when a female is pregnant it disappears altogether.”

Cordelia gaped at the insinuation, shoving the spoon into her mouth to avoid answering right away.

Ezul wasn’t wrong, they were all over each other any second they could get, and if the pollen was supposed to make her more susceptible to mate and procreate then he definitely had a point.

Did she even want to be pregnant right now? What a terrible question to ask after days of unprotected sex! In Cordelia’s defense, she had gone through so much in just a few weeks, and the pollen was no joke.

She’d been horny as hell, and sex had been the only thing on her mind. Too bad the consequences of dozens of earth-shattering orgasms hadn’t entered her head once. But now, those consequences were staring her right in the face, and she wasn’t sure how she felt about them.

A baby?

Don’t panic. You’re not pregnant, not yet. And besides, pregnancy is a natural step in a mating. You love kids.

Do. Not. Panic.

Trepidation made her hands tremble, her spoon clattering awkwardly against the porcelain bowl as she scooped up more of her meal, lost in thought as she guided the broth past her lips.

She grimaced when she felt something slimy touch the roof of her mouth just as she began to swallow.

And then it wiggled.

Cordelia spit the worm from her mouth, watching in horror as it landed on the table between her and Ezul, its fat body writhing. It worked its way to the table’s edge and subsequently to freedom.

“Why is it alive,” she moaned, her voice thick with disgust.

She scooted her chair back with a heavy scrape along the floor and bolted into the kitchen, frantically grabbing a light blue drink from Ezul’s fancy refrigerator.

Yanking the lid free, she chugged the contents down, hoping to drown out the sensation of that gross little creature. She only stopped when Ezul followed her into the room and ripped the bottle from her hands.

Her throat burned from the taste, but she preferred the sting of the beverage than the thick slime of a worm in her mouth. Cordelia gagged.

“Runa, no, this is corsna! It is way too powerful for your small body.”

She didn’t know what Ezul meant until it was too late. Her vision swam before her eyes and she laughed as the room swayed.

“Is that alcohol?” She took a fumbling step forward, suddenly very interested in seeing Ezul without any clothes on. “Mm, it doesn’t matter what it was, Ez.” His brows rose as she purred his name, throwing herself into his strong arms. Or maybe she’d tripped and he’d caught her. It didn’t matter because she was right where she belonged.

“I want you to take me to bed, handsome,” she purred again, running a hand down his chest as he watched her in bewilderment. “I want you to eat me out all night,” she said happily, though it came out a bit jumbled. She couldn’t be sure if he understood her.

“I do not know what ‘chew me alight means’. This has impacted you worse than I feared,” Ezul muttered, scooping her into his arms.
