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The world flipped upside down and Cordelia squealed with delight. “Oh my God, fuck me like this! I want to have sex upside down. Right now.” She giggled.

“You are still making no sense, little menace.”

Cordelia huffed. “Upside. Down. Sex. Things with wings do it!”

“I do not have wings,” Ezul said in exasperation, carrying her out from the kitchen and toward the bedroom.

“Bats have wings. And Sahin has tentacles. You can grow some.”


“No. Bats!”

Ezul sighed, depositing Cordelia onto the bed. The room spun around her, a kaleidoscope of grays and black that made her feel delightfully dizzy.

“I may need to call a healer,” Ezul murmured, pacing near the bed, clearly concerned.

Not that it was her problem. She was so happy. But she did feel a little woozy. She shut her eyes, hoping to keep her growing nausea at bay as the room spun faster. Instead, she passed out.

Chapter 14

“Itisimpossibleforme to arrive at the meeting on time,” Ezul told Sahin, his brother’s face displayed as a 3D image above the thin communicator in Ezul’s hand. Cordelia referred to it as a ‘fancy phone’, having described the primitive Earth device to him in great detail just yesterday.

He heard a soft snore come from behind him, turning slightly to watch his mate slumber peacefully on their bed. His heart clenched when she rolled toward his side of the bed, reaching out along the mattress as if searching for him.

He longed to join her, if only to rest his head upon her breasts and hold her to him while she slept. He enjoyed using them as his pillows at night.

“What is the problem?” Sahin’s voice drew him back to his communicator. He shrugged at the question.

“Cordelia drank nearly an entire bottle of corsna,” Ezul explained, tuned into the small, rhythmic noises his mate was making from behind him.

Sahin’s brows raised. “I was not aware the females could endure such a drink.”

“You would be correct. She is currently resting off the effects.”

“Ah,” Sahin chuckled. “If you are concerned with her lack of chaperone, I can have Delilah and Kylok come to keep her company. We cannot cancel this meeting, but I can delay it until you arrive.”

“Kylok is home?” Ezul asked in surprise.

Kylok was the other warrior in their family, their oldest brother, and one of the fiercest warriors of their kind. He had gone down in history for taking out an entire platoon of enemies while his comrades were struggling to seek safety after a vicious attack during the Pogta wars.

He’d killed over one hundred enemies in a matter of minutes, though it had been at a heavy cost to his health for a time. Kylok was not known well for his disposition, more surly than Ezul could ever be.

“He arrived back on Aragnok last night.” Sahin smirked. “My Shokan enjoys pestering him, though Kylok does not seem fond of her antics. He will be able to protect them both while we are away.”

“Why is he home so early? Is he alright?”

Sahin sighed, nodding. “You know that when he replicates himself there is always a risk. Too many of his counterparts were slain during battle, and he slipped into a coma. The doctor on hand decided it was best they return him to Aragnok to recover.”

Ezul sucked in a breath. Kylok’s power was a sight to behold. There was a reason he was considered one of the most powerful; he could create an entire army of himself. Though if one of his replicas was injured, it wounded Kylok on a psychic level.

If enough were destroyed, the toll on his mind could be catastrophic. Kylok always healed, but the more replicas killed or the more intense the replica’s injuries, the worse his mind fractured, and the longer it took for him to recover.

“I take it that our brother is alright now?”

Sahin nodded. “Conscious and as disgruntled as always.”

Ezul groaned, running a hand down his face. He dreaded leaving Cordelia’s side for even a moment. “I will remain here until they arrive then.”
