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“And I’ll hold you down while he does it,” Sahin added. His tendrils, which had originally been calmly wrapped around his torso, began to flex and writhe in warning.

“Sahin, Ezul, you will cease threatening my coworker,” Jakkar said lightly. “Arombk, quit with your ideologies on what our race should look like. We’ve attempted to procreate with several other planets with no success, and you were perfectly content with ‘mixing our blood’ then.”

Arombk huffed. “That is because those planets were populated by those similar to us in terms of technological advances. Earth is full of people who are still uncertain of each other, let alone a race from another world. Breeding with them is unwise.”

“And neglecting the potential of the human women is suicide. Our population is dwindling by the day,” Vermile stated passionately. “Earth may be lacking in technology and intelligence, but perhaps if we can create a trade with them, their planet will begin to grow in wealth, prosperity, and resources.”

“Trade?” Sahin shared a look with his brother.

Jakkar paused for a moment before speaking. “If Cordelia also becomes pregnant, we will know for certain that it is the genetic markers in their DNA that makes them compatible for offspring. We intend to bring more of those women to our planet in the hopes of saving our population.”

Ezul should have known this would be the next course of action after discovering Delilah’s pregnancy. But to know the thought of invading Earth rested on his mate’s shoulders... Ezul grew uneasy.

How would Cordelia react to this news?

“Will the women be willing volunteers or do you intend to steal them as you did our mates?”

It was impossible to keep the bite out of his voice, so Ezul didn’t bother. He was grateful that he and his brother had found their mates, but he did not appreciate that they knew terror and fear upon their arrival to his planet.

Vermile grimaced. “Regrettably, our handling of Cordelia and Delilah was abysmal, though necessary. Our new plan is to take volunteers, women we can offer a new, exciting future, and bring them back to our planet.”

“And you will not place them in the capitol harem then? Cordelia was miserable there. These women, if theychooseto come here, should be treated with respect and reverence, not as whores to use.“ Ezul’s words were heavy with conviction. He would not see another human put through an ordeal similar to his mate.

“This endeavor is foolish,” Arombk snarled. “Already dissent grows within the streets of Ragtar. Bringing those women here could threaten their very lives, and yet we plan to do so anyway, just for a chance to save ourselves.”

Ezul sat up at the mention of a threat, his body coiling with tension.

Vermile waved Arombk’s statement away. “Those are only rumors of vague threats and chaos. Nothing more.”

“Whispers of an uprising are always based on something,” Arombk argued.

“You have provided no proof, only delusional ramblings in order to stop us from moving forward with the plan of obtaining more women.”

“What is this dissent you speak of?” Ezul locked eyes on Arombk. If there was an issue regarding the safety of his mate, he wanted to hear it. Immediately.

“There are whispers that a group of hostile Aragnokans do not wish for our population to replenish. We have long been involved in war and famine, decimating other planets as the power of Aragnok grows.” Arombk paused, shaking his head in disgust.

“Theserumorsthat are spreading suggest that some of our own kind believe we should die out as a consequence of the atrocities we’ve committed against others. That our lack of women and children is a punishment for our crimes and we should face extinction,“ Vermile finished.

“Surely these rumored factions should also view human women as our chance at redemption, if now we can create offspring with them,” Ezul stated.

“They won’t view it that way as they are mentally unstable,” Arombk replied flatly.

“They do not exist,” Vermile reiterated with a roll of his eyes. “Where is your proof of these dissenters?”

Ezul cleared his throat. “Cordelia noticed some artwork while we were in the city center depicting a world on fire with dead bodies littered beneath. Could that be related?”

“Absolutely,” Arombk nodded. “And this confirms what I’ve been saying from the beginning. The dissenters exist and are waiting for the appropriate opportunity to strike.”

“Opportunity for what?” Sahin cast a wary look to his brother, both of them completely focused on Arombk’s words.

“The opportunity to destroy our own kind, however necessary.”

“Where did you see this artwork, Ezul?” Jakkar looked up from the holopad on his desk, watching his son expectantly.

Jakkar had invited Sahin and Ezul back to his office to discuss the meeting in private, and he was glad to tell his father what little he knew.

Once he was finished, Jakkar entered the details into his holopad. “Did you notice anything amiss? Out of the ordinary?”
