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Ezul shook his head. “Not in the slightest, but I couldn’t help but feel on edge while Cordelia and I visited various shops. Males were staring, and I just associated it with jealousy, but perhaps I was sensing something far more sinister at work and didn’t realize it.”

What if the dissenters had attacked him and Cordelia? She could have been injured, or worse, and all because he was ignorant of a possible resistance growing within his own backyard.

“If this threat is real,” Sahin began with a huff, “I do not like the idea of keeping Delilah so deep in the woods, isolated, with just myself to protect her. Although the city presents equal danger, she may be safer with the capitol guards nearby as well as Kylok and Ezul to watch over her.”

That wasn’t a bad idea at all. Sahin was an impressive warrior, but he could only do so much if he were to be swarmed en masse by his enemies. As Delilah was pregnant, she needed safeguarding now more than ever.

Ezul sat back in his seat, staring at his father. “Is it within the Senate’s capability to provide us with an adequate home? One that would offer safety and security for our mates, and that we could live in together, at least for the time being?”

Jakkar pursed his lips, drumming his fingers on the desk as he thought. “I’m not sure how quickly we would be able to accomplish such a thing. First, I’ll present this information to the Senate and have a few guards canvas the location you gave us. They’ll collect photos and evidence and see if there are any more pieces of art littering the city.”

“It could be nothing,” Ezul said. “Just art.” Though he didn’t believe that in the slightest.

Jakkar looked thoughtful. “This is true. But we won’t take any chances.”

Chapter 15

Cordeliahadnoideawhat was in corsna, but she felt fantastic. Or maybe it wasn’t the drink but Ezul, who’d made her orgasm three times before he’d left for his meeting.

Either way, she felt even more energized than when he’d zapped her clit. How could a drink make her inexplicably drunk one minute and then insanely hyper the next? She had no idea, but it was definitely an experience worth repeating, especially given how hard Ezul had come inside her.

Cordelia sighed happily before returning her attention to her guests. She was excited to spend some time with Delilah without any threats lurking nearby, and her new brother-in-law, though she didn’t quite know if Kylok felt the same way.

Okay, she definitely knew he didnotfeel the same way at all.

If she’d thought Ezul was a grumpy male, he was nothing compared to his oldest brother, Kylok. He oozed ‘don’t fuck with me’ vibes and snarled at everything.

Kylok had made it apparent from the first few minutes of his arrival that he was very disinterested in keeping the two women company while their mates went to the parliamentary meeting.

He’d been so vocal about his abilities as a warrior being insulted because he was only ‘safeguarding the humans’ that Cordelia and Delilah had silently agreed to bug the shit out of him until he finally cracked from their badgering.

It probably wasn’t the best impression to make with the scary alien, but it did bring them a sick sort of joy to watch someone nearly seven feet tall squirm uncomfortably in his seat.

They’d been pestering Kylok for the better part of two hours, asking him tons of random questions about himself, all of which he refused to answer. He was growing increasingly irate with each new probing attack disguised by sweet voices and feminine laughter.

“I do not appreciate your antics,” Kylok finally growled, swatting at Delilah’s hand when she attempted to poke one of the small spikes sticking out from his biceps. “Do not touch those,” he seethed. “One cut will fill you with poison, and I will not be responsible for killing someone in my care. My brothers would never shut up about it,” he added under his breath.

Delilah’s eyes widened as she slowly shrank back into her chair. “Sorry, I thought they were cute little spike cuffs.”

Kylok huffed, arms crossing over his chest. He stood from his chair, dwarfing the two women seated at the table.

“Nothing about me iscute. I am intimidating. And fierce.”

Delilah smiled sweetly. “Of course you are,” she agreed, winking dramatically.

He stared at her like she was a bug under a microscope. “Is your eye injured?”

Delilah snorted, waving a hand at him when he continued to glare at her.

Meanwhile, Cordelia couldn’t get over Kylok’s resemblance to both Ezul and Sahin, though there were obviously differences in the men.

Where Sahin had orange, glowing veins and Ezul had brilliant white ones, Kylok had veins that were a vibrant black, criss-crossing his flesh like tattoos in an array of intricate designs.

He was tall, muscular, and had longer black hair than his brothers that he kept tied back with a braid. It was his eyes, though, that unsettled Cordelia the most. They were completely black, reminding her of a demon sent straight from Hell, especially when she caught glimpses of his sharp teeth.

“So have you been back home long?” Cordelia asked, mostly because the silence had grown stifling between the three of them in a matter of seconds.

Kylok huffed again, as if babysitting two humans was the most taxing job he’d ever undergone. Cordelia smiled when she noticed Delilah’s own growing smirk.
