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She’d been thinking about what she wanted since he’d found her in the forest when she’d run away. Returning to Earth was such a desolate concept when her future seemed so much brighter here with Ezul in her life.

Hopefully he had a realistic expectation of children, though, because there was no way she was popping out more than three, tops.

“I’ve already considered it, Ez, and I’m all in. Mating, kids… everything. I don’t want to go back to Earth. I just want you.”

“I just want you too,” Ezul admitted softly, eyes roaming her face gently. “For all of my days and nights, Runa.”

Cordelia blinked rapidly when tears pricked her eyes, hoping to cool the amorous emotions creeping in. She was terrible at being vulnerable, but Ezul was great at bringing that side of her out.

Cordelia cleared her throat. “I don’t know if it was the alcohol or not, but I haven’t been in any kind of sexual pain today. Delilah told me that happened to her, too, before she found out she was pregnant.”

Ezul nodded. “I noticed your arousal was less fierce last night, and today as well.”

Cordelia’s brows lifted in confusion. “You noticed that the heat was lessening? How?”

Ezul shrugged as if his observation was obvious. “Your cunt is always so hot for me, Runa, but I have noticed the heat was less severe these last few times.”

Her mouth popped open in shock as she floundered for what to say. “I–Uh, is it still okay?”

Oh no, what if he thought she had a lukewarm vagina? Was that even a thing? What if that gave him anickabout her and he no longer–

“I enjoy every aspect of your mind and body, Runa,” Ezul assured, and her heart cracked wide open, her insecurities disappearing in an instant. “I merely noticed a difference in your womb.” Ezul studied her before his hands began wandering, pausing over her stomach.

“Do you believe you’re with child?” His words came out so low, she almost didn’t hear him, but she could infer based on his gentle handling what he’d asked her.

Her heart fluttered in response.

“We’ll know in a few more weeks, so don’t get excited just yet. I still have no idea if Delilah was just a miracle woman, but I didn’t want to keep anything from you in case the pollen wearing off completely actually means anything.”

Ezul sat up, cupping her face gently. “I know you did not intend to stay here on Aragnok initially. What was your life like before?”

Cordelia hummed, thinking about Ezul’s question. “Well, I had a lot of friends, but no one I ever felt really close to. I lived alone and, before I was kidnapped and brought here, I was taking some time off from work to find myself.”

Ezul’s brow furrowed in confusion. “I’m unsure of what that means.”

“I guess you could say I felt lost? Lost is a good word for it. My parents passed away a few years back in a car-uh-transport accident,” Cordelia amended, hoping that made sense.

Ezul’s eyes softened at her admission. Tears threatened to creep in once more when he looked at her as if he also felt the same fracture in his own heart. She sniffed, doing her best to ignore her growing distress.

She hadn’t thought too hard about her parents in months, but it always felt crazy that one simple reminder of them could steal her breath in an instant, no matter how much time had passed.

Cordelia cleared her throat. “At the time, I was living with this guy, Todd. I thought I was going to marry him, you know?”

Ezul shook his head. “Is it much different than mating?”

“Not really. Marrying is a lot like mating, except instead of biting them, you give them a ring to wear on their finger. A piece of jewelry, whether expensive or sentimental, to let the world know they’re taken. Anyways, after they died, it just kind of made me realize that I was trapped in a life I didn’t want.”

Her mate leaned down, kissing her chest gently, just above her heart. “What did you do?”

“I actually kind of puked on him when he asked me to marry him. He took that as a no.” Cordelia flushed in embarrassment, though it did help to improve her mood.

“I am fortunate you did not have the same reaction to me,” Ezul commented with a small, playful smirk.

Cordelia snorted, pushing on his chest. “Anyways, I moved a few times before I found a new place that felt like home, and I started feeding a stray cat. I was in the process of deciding what I wanted out of life when I got snatched up and sent here.”

It was kind of a waste that she’d paid for her apartment a year in advance with some of the money her parents had left her, but it wasn’t like she’d be needing money anymore.

“I know the sting of loss,” Ezul told her quietly. “My mother passed away more than a decade ago. It is still something that haunts us. Only in the last few years has my father become more like himself, though I suppose my younger brother, Cazar, is to thank for that.”
