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Cordelia shook her head. “No, we’ve already come all this way. I’m sure it’ll be fine, Ez.” Although, the further they moved toward the infirmary, the more her heart rate increased, drumming a heavy beat in her ears.

Ezul tilted his head as they walked, almost as if he were listening for something. Waiting for calamity to strike. But nothing happened, and she couldn’t help but let out a relieved breath.

“We can visit with my father after your appointment.” Ezul took another look around before he looked down at her, his expression guarded. “We’ll see what else has occurred to cause such panic here.”

Ezul was wary as he paced the infirmary. He did not enjoy being here. He did not want his mate here either, especially as the growing danger to her and their child was spreading across the city.

Ezul had spotted crude symbols drawn on the pavement as they’d entered, though Cordelia had been too distracted with the broken glass to notice. Part of the capitol had been vandalized even further, with more symbols of burning worlds painted on the walls several floors up.

How had dissenters even managed to draw those crude images so high up, and in plain sight, without being caught? Even the flags that hung near the roof were torn where someone had obviously attempted to take them down and failed.

The fact that guards surrounded them like a swarm as they moved from one area to another was only further proof that the threat was closing in on them in dangerous quantities.

He should have insisted they turn around and go home. Away from this madness, and only returned when his brothers could also be present.

His only assurance now to Cordelia’s safety was that they were within the capitol building, where he knew she would be safe. It was one thing to vandalize the outside of the building, but to break in and attempt to harm his mate would be foolhardy. Anyone willing to try it would have to be both reckless and insane.

“You’re growling,” Cordelia said, standing up from her seat and walking toward him. She’d submitted her samples to the healer a few minutes prior, and now they were alone in one of the medical rooms, awaiting the results.

“I cannot help it.”

Sliding her palm onto his chest, she looked up at him, smiling softly. “I’d prefer if you have to growl, then at least do so during sex so I can enjoy it too.” Immediately, the deep rumble in his chest muted, becoming a gentle purr that had her grinning. “I like this too,” she said with a light laugh.

Ezul huffed, pulling her into his arms. “It is rude to say such things to me when I am in no position to do anything about it.”

“What would you do if you could then?” she asked, her voice laced with false innocence. He nipped her earlobe in reprimand for her teasing, his tense shoulders relaxing when she let out a breathless laugh, fisting his tunic.

There was a knock on the door before the healer, Churot, stepped back into their room, the door sliding shut securely behind him. Ezul ushered Cordelia back to her seat, standing behind her as they waited for the other male to speak.

Churot smiled brightly before turning his holopad in their direction, swiping once to let them see the results of Cordelia’s bloodwork.

Ezul wasn’t quite sure what he was looking at, but he already knew what to expect.

“I believe congratulations are in order for your blessing,” Churot declared happily.

Ezul squeezed Cordelia’s shoulders, his hands resting on her protectively. “Then we were correct?”

They were having a child.A child! There was a ringing in Ezul’s ears, the confirmation suddenly bringing their suspicions into the light. He heard Cordelia’s heart beat hard as she reached up, placing her hand over his.

The healer nodded before turning fully toward Cordelia. “Now, I’m sure Delilah has filled you in on what to expect in terms of your care now that you are with child. No raw meat, plenty of rest, and if you experience anything outside the scope of a normal human pregnancy, we want to see you back here right away.”

“We can do that,” Cordelia said with a nod, her fingers squeezing him hard. “Do you know how far along I am?”

“It’s hard to determine the gestation of your offspring, but we expect you to progress at much the same rate as any other human pregnancy.” The healer looked at Ezul. “No strenuous activity either, unless it is already included in your mate’s daily routine. We don’t need Cordelia deciding to frolic through the woods and accidentally harming herself because her body is not prepared for such things.”

“There will be no frolicking,” Ezul assured the smaller male, pulling Cordelia from her seat and hugging her to him. His heart was racing, and he felt his hands shake as he held her tenderly, afraid that if he held on much tighter she may break before his very eyes.

Cordelia was his life. And now she was carrying an extension of their love inside of her, a part of each of them. He was more than ready to protect and cherish them both for the rest of his days.

To know he was going to be a father… There was no feeling to describe it. He could only hope he was half the parent his own father was. Caring and stern, though only when it was necessary.

“Most excellent,” Churot continued. “I will want to see you in one month’s time for a checkup, and we’ll go from there. I’ll have more information sent home on a holopad with you, but it will take some time to get ready. Can you wait?”

“That is fine. We plan on visiting Senator Jakkar before we depart,” Ezul stated.

The healer nodded, agreeing to bring the tablet to Jakkar’s office before leaving the two of them alone.

“I knew it,” Cordelia said happily, practically preening in his arms. “I could tell I was pregnant.”
