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“As could I, Runa.”

“If you tell me that my vagina was a different temperature again and that’s how you knew, I will never recover.”

Ezul barked out a laugh, quickly smothering the sound with a cough. “I thought I was being helpful when I said that,” he told her after a moment, reluctantly allowing her to pull away from his arms.

“Yeah, helping to give me a new insecurity.” She tossed her hair over her shoulder haughtily, something he found he quite enjoyed, especially since it showed off one of the several mating marks he had left on her neck and shoulders.

Ezul couldn’t help himself when it came to claiming her. He enjoyed doing it as often as possible.

“Are you happy?” Cordelia asked suddenly, her voice morphing from a teasing tone to one of shyness in an instant.

“More than anything,” he told her, meaning every word, taking her palm and bringing it to his lips. He kissed the center, holding her gaze as he did. “There is nothing I want more than to live a blessed life with you.”

“Good. Because I kind of want a big family. Do you think three is a good number?”

His brows rose in surprise, even as he felt a stirring of lust begin to creep in. He would love the opportunity to provide her with such a thing. And he knew just how to practice for it.

They had just made it to the outside of Jakkar’s office when Arombk, one of the senators she’d met in the infirmary, burst through the door, muttering something irritably under his breath as it closed behind him.

He nearly bumped into Cordelia but Ezul’s mist sprang from his body protectively, blocking the senator from touching her.

“You should not be here,” Arombk snapped at her, turning an accusing glare to Ezul. “Get her out of this building!” He snarled, muttering more nonsense she didn’t quite catch before storming off down the hall.

Ezul’s eyes were completely white as they watched the man leave, his body visibly shaking with barely controlled anger. Cordelia had never seen Ezul so worked up before. She touched his arm, hoping to soothe him in some small way. He calmed slightly, honed in on Arombk until the man disappeared from sight.

“What do you think that was about?”

Not taking his eyes from the hallway, where Arombk had last been, Ezul answered, “Let us go inside and find out.”

The door slid open for them, and several voices rose immediately from inside, Ezul’s dad among them. She couldn’t quite hear what they were saying, but based on Arombk’s hasty exit, she didn’t think it was anything good.

Cordelia stepped through the door first, her shoulders relaxing when she spotted Jakkar with the other senator from the infirmary, Vermile, and a few other faces she didn’t recognize.

The heated discussion stopped abruptly when Ezul cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the senators. “My children,” Jakkar greeted them, getting up from behind his desk and coming around to give Cordelia a big hug, unconcerned that Vermile and several others were still present in the room.

“Morning Jakkar!” She returned his hug affectionately while Ezul stared warily at the senators, who were slowly collecting their holopads and shuffling from Jakkar’s office. “It looks like you’ve been busy.”

“I am afraid there is no rest for a steward of the people,” Jakkar answered with a small laugh, placing his hand on Ezul’s shoulder and pulling his attention back to him. “Is everything alright?” He frowned in concern at Ezul’s furious expression.

“No,” Ezul snapped at the same time Cordelia said, “Yes!” They both paused, eyeing one another.

Cordelia rolled her eyes, sending Jakkar a small smile. “Arombk bumped into me as he was leaving your office. Ezul did not appreciate his behavior.”

“He did not even apologize,” Ezul growled.

“Ah,” Jakkar sighed, nodding his head in farewell to a senator as he exited discreetly. “I am afraid that is partially my fault. We have been discussing plans of reaching out to Earth sooner rather than later for potential intergalactic trade, and of course, Arombk is hesitant.”

“How soon?” Cordelia asked, incapable of keeping the excitement out of her voice.

She couldn’t help it. Intergalactic trade sounded amazing! She’d kill someone for a chocolate-frosted donut right about now, but there wasn’t anything like that on Aragnok.

Jakkar shrugged. “We likely wouldn’t make contact with Earth for another several years as we need to reach a unanimous decision among the senate in order to present our wishes to our allies for further support. As you’ve just witnessed, not all of us are receptive to the idea.”

“Of trade?”

Jakkar shook his head. “Of bringing human women to Aragnok. Voluntarily, of course,” he continued hastily when she shot him a disgruntled look. “It would be nothing like how you came to be with us, Cordelia. Of that you can be assured.”

“If that’s the case, I think there will be plenty of women willing to help.” Especially if they knew the kind of alien men waiting for them here. Her experience with Ezul, and Delilah’s with Sahin, put human men to shame.
