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An aftershock rocked the building, and Cordelia screamed as part of the ceiling collapsed, large chunks of debris falling over them. Ezul caught it with his mist, protecting them all. They couldn’t stay in this death trap any longer. “Out. Now!” he bellowed.

They rushed toward the door as a unit, Vermile leading the way. Jakkar and Cordelia were in the middle while Ezul took a protective stance at the rear of their group. Once they were clear of the room, his mist relinquished its hold on Jakkar’s ceiling. Dust and grime flew from the doorway as the rest of the ceiling collapsed in a heap, billowing around him as he followed the group down the hallway.

People were lying collapsed on the floor, crushed under rubble, light fixtures, and large columns. Others were running around haphazardly, unsure of what to do or where to go. No dissenters in sight, just people in need of assistance.

He should have attempted to help them, but as more of the building groaned ominously, he didn’t dare. He wouldn’t risk Cordelia’s safety for anyone here. She was the most important person in this building,in his life, and Ezul needed her safe.

More of his mist spread around her until it formed a barrier between her and the rest of the world, his focus only on keeping her secured as they moved down another hall, slowly making their way to the staircase that would take them down into the main lobby.

“The safest place for you will be back home!” Jakkar shouted over the sounds of panicked people and the groans of the building as its structure was tested. Vermile picked up speed, and they all followed urgently. “The transport you arrived in should be safe for travel!” he shouted. “We need to get you both out front now!”

Ezul nodded, using his mist to shield them from more of the crumbling ceiling. More traces of his mist traveled to his mate, reinforcing the barrier he’d created. Cordelia turned in his direction, holding out her hand.

“I need you beside me–” Her eyes widened in horror as she looked over his shoulder. The barest trace of movement through the air alerted him to danger just as she screamed his name in warning.

Ezul whirled around not a moment too soon, dodging the spear flying toward his back. He caught the metal before it could sail past him, twisting the weapon in his hands to point the tipped edge at his assailants.

Eight males were behind them, wearing black clothing from head to toe, covering their faces but not the tension in their shoulders, nor the malicious intent they possessed, each of them carrying a weapon save for the male who had tossed his spear.

Some held spears and some swords with blades made of a laser that could cut through anything. Some had mallets and guns. It didn’t matter what they possessed, Ezul wouldn’t let them near his mate.

These must be the dissenters. He growled darkly.

The group of males formed a half circle in an attempt at intimidation as more people shouted behind him, their footsteps echoing throughout the hall as they ran away, leaving Ezul’s small group and the dissenters alone.

Ezul looked over his shoulder at his father. “Get her out of here.”

“It will be done, my son.”

“What?” Cordelia cried as her eyes watered, rushing toward Ezul until his father caught her, holding her back. “I won’t leave without you!”

“I’ll be right behind you, Runa. Now go,” Ezul growled, eyes wandering to her before snapping back to their enemies. He couldn’t look at her again, worried that the tears forming in her eyes would break him.

“Come, child. We must go,” Jakkar said softly from behind him. He heard Cordelia suck in a ragged breath before their footsteps quickly disappeared down the hall, her sobs almost breaking him.

He was grateful his mate had someone to keep her safe while he handled the threat.

The male missing his weapon stepped closer, tilting his head. “We do not wish to battle you, warrior, but we cannot allow your mate to remain here.”

Ezul hissed, launching the spear at one of his armed assailants.

It pierced the male’s chest, the tip of the spear exiting through his back. He gurgled as blood shot from his mouth before he dropped to the floor. The male wouldn’t survive that.

One down, seven to go.

“You might think you can stop us, but more are already infiltrating–”

Ezul’s mist wrapped around the weaponless male’s throat and, as he sputtered, gasping for breath, it pushed into his mouth, solidifying until he was choking on it.

The remaining men launched themselves at him at once, some throwing their spears, which he dodged easily enough, while others shot at him. A few bullets grazed his flesh, another hitting his forearm.

Ezul hissed in pain, but he didn’t slow down. Attacking them with his mist, he caught the others in its grip, choking the life from them.

The males with guns shot wildly while the others swung their swords, hoping to strike a blow. His mist evaporated, only to return, its chokehold becoming firmer.

He lifted them high in the air, watching their legs flail as they struggled to best him. But they couldn’t. Ezul’s hold was absolute. Only when the flutter of their pulses could no longer be felt did he drop them to the ground. Turning, he raced from the building to chase after his mate.

Cordelia was terrified. Ezul’s mist bubbled around her protectively as she was herded from the building. Her pulse was throbbing in her ears, feet slapping against the ground as she ran.
