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Escorting them to his desk, Jakkar took a seat behind it while Cordelia took the seat on the other side, giving them a bit of privacy from the remaining people still lingering within the large space.

Lowering his voice, Jakkar continued, “I am inclined to agree, though Arombk does not like the idea. He is old-fashioned in his views and wildly opposed to any sort of alliance with the humans.”

“And that discussion was enough for him to storm out of here in a rage?” Ezul huffed, unimpressed. “That male requires a fist planted in his face.”

Jakkar narrowed his eyes on his son. “There will be no assaulting my colleagues. And our conversation had recently turned to the data breach a few weeks prior, which only heightened Arombk’s nerves.”

“And this was enough for him to warn us away?” Ezul asked with a concerned frown. “What did he learn that troubled him so?”

“We discovered this morning that the blueprints of the capitol building were one of the things stolen. It was our very own Vermile who located this information,” Jakkar added, nodding his head toward the senator who was speaking quietly with another man across the room.

Cordelia stiffened. That didn’t sound good at all. Suddenly, Arombk’s poor behavior didn’t seem so much hostile as it did worried. Did he think something was going to happen? Had Arombk just been trying to warn them?

Her hand wandered to her lower abdomen, holding her child protectively. Maybe they should go and continue this conversation with Jakkar at a much safer location, later.

“I think it is best if my Runa and I depart. I do not wish for her to be anywhere that threatens her or our child,” Ezul stated abruptly. Cordelia could have cried in relief that he felt the same way.

“I understand, but I can assure you that everything is fine. We’ve had dozens of guards studying duplicate blueprints of our building since we found out we could be targeted here, with guards being posted where necessary. They were looking at any hidden entry locations, side doors, vents, even a tunnel below the ground that was once used for exporting goods several years back. No stone is being left unturned.”

“What happened with the glass out front?” Ezul asked.

Just then, the door to Jakkar’s office slid open and Cordelia turned to face it. The healer’s assistant stepped into the room, a holopad clutched to his chest. Jakkar waved the man over, who looked around the room nervously as he moved.

“For Cordelia,” the assistant said simply when he reached them, handing her the holopad. He nodded once to Vermile before quickly exiting.

Jakkar returned his focus to Ezul, answering his question. “Several people were hurling rocks and other heavy objects at the glass earlier this morning. We’ve detained them all for questioning and will charge them for destruction of government property.”

“Happy news from the healer, I assume?” Vermile asked as he eyed the tablet in Cordelia’s hand, wandering over to the desk.

“Oh, I’m not sure I should say–”

The ground trembled beneath them then, the decorations around Jakkar’s office rattling in response. Cordelia, heart racing in panic, grabbed the desk with her free hand, holding onto the thick wood until the trembling stopped. The walls around them groaned and shifted, her pulse beating a heavy rhythm in her ears.

“Was that an earthquake?” Her throat was dry, hands clammy.

As Ezul reached for her, the ground shook roughly again. Suddenly, a loud boom exploded off in the distance, followed by horrified shouts.

What the hell was happening?

Chapter 19

EzulgrabbedCordelia,pullingher into the safety of his arms as another explosion shook the room, objects falling from the walls, the bookshelves, and even Jakkar’s desk.

His mist fanned out around them protectively, shielding his mate and father while he held her cradled against his chest, his large frame covering her. Vermile pitched forward as the shaking continued, falling to the ground with a dull shout.

An alarm tore through the building, revealing, too late, that all of the inhabitants were in danger.

“The capitol building has been breached!” Vermile yelled over the noise, his eyes searching the room for threats as he sprang up from the floor.

“We need to get them out of here,” Jakkar snapped at Vermile, gesturing to Ezul and Cordelia. “Their safety is of the utmost priority.”

“Agreed,” Vermile replied with a fierce nod.

“We should have stayed home,” Ezul snapped as he stood, pulling Cordelia up with him. He was anxious to keep his mate safe at his side. A loud sound came from the wall as it split apart then, a giant crack forming that resembled lightning as it forked up toward the ceiling.

“This must be the work of the dissenters,” Vermile informed them frantically, though he maintained a keen expression as he took in their surroundings.

“Obviously,” Ezul growled, more of his mist appearing to shield them as the ceiling groaned overhead. Holding his mist like this was easy, but draining on the body after time. They needed to get out of here, immediately!
