Page 105 of Voyeur

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My mind is whirling when I set down the phone. Standing from bed, I look over to where Gage had been when I fell asleep. Emery sounded as if something was wrong with Conner. Something awful. I know he’s going to want to blame Gage. But before we’d gone to sleep, we agreed to see it through to the end. To make sure revenge was served to the right individual. To the guilty one. I didn’t want another mistake on my conscience.

Had he gone rogue? Did he wait for me to fall asleep and then sneak out?

Picking my phone up off the edge of the bed, I realize I have no way to contact Gage. Even though he’s become a constant in my life, he’s still very much a mystery to me. My heart hums in my chest, and I swallow down worry and doubt.

My phone pings, and I unlock it, hovering my thumb over the message app, where a new notification sits and waits for me to open it. I don’t understand the hesitation, really. Is it because I’ll have to face the music if it’s Gage messaging? Will I have to face who he really is? Or is it because it could be Emery, telling me what harsh reality is happening with Conner?

I steel myself, wrapping my emotions in a metal box as I click onto the app and see that it’s Emery.

He’s gone. Conner is dead. Please tell me you’ve found Gage. Tell me this wasn’t you guys.

I gasp, covering my mouth as tears begin to fall down my cheeks. Even if Conner had something to do with this, did he deserve to die? Did I want death to be my ultimate revenge for what happened to me? It’s in this breadth of a moment I realize my answer is no. I don’t want someone to die for what happened to me. And it makes my trail of vengeance seem like a waste of time. A life has been stolen, and we don’t know the truth he took with him.

I’m so sorry, Emery.

Tell me it wasn’t you.

It wasn’t me. I can’t speak for Gage, though. He’s not here. I swear to you he was when I went to sleep.

I don’t know if it’s right to give Gage up to Emery in such a way. To not alibi him and say he’s here with me. But it’s the truth, and I’ve always prided myself on telling the truth. No matter what. The truth being covered up got us all here in the first place. What just lost Conner his life.

Guilt eats at me as I realize my path of seeking the truth could’ve just gotten someone killed, and now I have to live with it.

The cops say it looks like a drug deal gone bad. But I can’t help but feel like that’s not right, Carina. Not with all that’s going on right now.

Was Conner on drugs? I don’t know him well enough to answer any of the questions racing through my brain.

Do you need me to come over there?

I don’t know what makes me ask him that. Maybe just the fact that I now know I’d wronged him. Maybe it was guilt that drove me to do so. Maybe it’s just me extending the olive branch to someone who’s hurting just as much as I am.

No. I’ll come to you when I’m done here with the police.

Alright. If you need anything, let me know.

It feels odd to be so cordial with him, but I feel like last night we turned a corner. The nature of our relationship is evolving.

“Why are you awake so early?” Gage asks as he enters the bedroom. He’s in sleep pants and no shirt, his muscles on full display, and for a split-second, I almost forget all of what’s going on.

“Where were you?” I squeak, fresh tears making an appearance.

“What? Why? I was just out in the living room. I couldn’t sleep.” He rushes to me, pulling me into him. I can smell the cats on him, so I know he probably was inundated with all three of them, since none were in the room when I woke up.

“What’s the matter?” he asks, pulling back and holding me by the shoulders to peer down at me.

“Conner is dead. Killed. Emery called, thinking it was us, and then you weren’t in the bed…” I trail off, hoping he’s not offended that I instantly wondered if he’d done this. But how can he blame me?

“I was in the living room, little one. I couldn’t sleep after you fell asleep, so I went out and watched some television. Plus, we agreed last night that we’d see this through. I wouldn’t break my word to you.”

Tension leaves my chest as he reaches up and threads some of my hair behind my ear. “I was so worried you’d done it.”

“Did Emery say what the police are saying?”

I nod. “The police are saying drug deal gone wrong.”

He shakes his head in disbelief. “I looked into Conner when you took a job with him and Emery. He’s not into drugs. Booze and women, sure. Not drugs. Someone is setting it up to look like he is, though. But why?”

“Do you think this is related to the fire?” I ask, sniffling some more, trying to clear the sadness from my sinuses.
