Page 65 of Voyeur

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“It did seem that way, didn’t it?” I ask.

His blade clinks as he removes it from my throat and drops it to the floor.

Part of me is sad to hear it, and another part takes a deep breath.

“It’s too dark in here to watch you bleed for me. But one day, when I think you’re ready, your blood is going to run down this beautiful flesh for me,” he says. “But don’t think you’re off the hook.”

Before his words register, he lifts me, slamming my back against the wall as he reaches between us, releasing his cock and finding my center expertly.

He hovers under me, so close to entering me, driving me wild with need.

“Is this okay for you? Please tell me that this is okay, Carina. I don’t know how much more self-control I have left in me...”

“Please! It’s okay, I’m okay. I need you,” I beg.

Later, I’m going to shed a tear of appreciation over the fact that he had any self-control at all to stop and make sure I was okay. But right now, all I can think about is feeling him again. Just he and I, in the dark, holding onto one another like we’re the last two beings on the planet, breathing with one another, for one another.

He’s not gentle when he slams inside me, fucking me. Both of us crash our mouths together at the same time, my hands finding his hair as he squeezes my ass, lifting me up and down with each stroke. It won’t be long for my body right back to the edge he’d had me on upstairs in the bedroom. I can already feel climax begging for release.

“God, you feel like you were made for me,” he says, breaking our kiss and moaning languidly. The sound tugs my body even higher than it had been.

“Who’s to say I wasn’t?” I moan.

“The mouse made for the snake to eat?” he asks gruffly, moving in and out of me, and making the edges of darkness prickle with little dots dancing in my vision.

“Such is the circle of life,” I cry, edging too near something I never want to end.

As if he knows, he leans in and bites my neck, giving me the same searing grip that his blade had before he dropped it. “Come for me, little phoenix. This will never end; you and I will never end. You. Are. Mine.” He punctuates every word by pressing inside me deeply.

I break, shattering around him like glass hitting the ground, small visages of me becoming something different within his hold.

“That’s it, sweet girl. Fuck, you’re going to make me come...” he groans as he pushes deeper, emptying his pulsing orgasm inside me.

“Holy fuck,” I breathe, trying to catch any semblance of my sanity as I float high amongst the clouds of pleasure.

“Was I too rough? Are you okay?” he asks.

I shake my head, forgetting he can’t see me well. “No, I’m fine. God, I’m so good. I never thought I’d have this. It feels—”

He laughs. “Yeah, there aren’t words for how this feels. I agree.”

He lets me down, steadying me as he picks up his blade. “Is this where you wandered to the last time I told you to run?” he asks.

“Yeah, I found it when I was hiding in the closet. I never knew it was here. It came in handy, though, when a madman was in my house.”

He scoffs. “Madman I might be, but a threat to you? Never.”

“Well, if I’d have known what would happen to me when I was found, I would have hidden in plain sight,” I tell him, ducking out of the small door and moving into the living room.

His face is apprehensive when he exits behind me.


“Well, two times tonight we haven’t been so careful. We should discuss it probably, right?” he asks me, face reddening.

The things this man has done to me and that’s what makes his face red?

“Well, I’m on birth control. It’s in my arm,” I reply, moving forward and pressing his hand against the implant in my upper arm.
