Page 91 of Voyeur

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In my last dream I was in a car with him. But I woke up before I got to a destination. I don’t trust my nightmares, they keep changing.

I know what she means. Just last night I’d had a dream where I didn’t hit her. Where I’d coveted her, held her to me as I sobbed at what her face looked like when I came around.

Something is wrong.

Gage made a good point...

I stop reading, growling at the mention of the vile man she’s let into her life. But there’s one thing about him. He’s fiercely loyal and protective of her. While he’s around, no harm can find her. And that makes me thankful. She’s been through enough.

My eyes flick back down to her text.

Gage made a good point; he thinks someone drugged us. Well, we know you were. But he thinks maybe I was. Something to help them cover their tracks. Your father, I mean.

My mind works in circles. That would make complete sense, honestly. Because I’m certain there are drugs out there at the disposal of men like my father tofixsituations like this one. Ones that are tricky, where there are witnesses involved.

God, why did Conner have to call him?

The thought is jarring because if he hadn’t, I’d be in a cell somewhere. But I’m uncertain it isn’t where I belong for my crimes.

I was born into a family where every move can cost you a lifetime of scrutiny. Where men have the power to hide within plain sight, wearing the demons they house right on their sleeves. And I don’t think I’m built for it.

We’re going to figure this out. Even if no further memories surface. I have an appointment tonight with a hypnotist.

Admitting it to her makes me feel fleshed open, chest cracked wide for her to peer inside of. But I promised her honesty, and for once, I’m going to keep the promise I’ve made. For once, I’m going to be a man deserving of a sliver of her trust.

Good luck! They didn’t help me. Seen a million of them.

Somehow, her having also been to one makes me feel more normal. Like wearein this together. Even if I might be the villain at the end of her story.

I will keep you looped in, but it might be late...

Text whenever.

It’s curt and to the point, and I type and delete three responding texts before deciding to let it lie until I had something to tell her. Something to offer.

The door opens, and Suzanne waltzes in, plopping down paperwork on my desk with an obvious attitude.

“Sign them,” she says, and I drop my phone onto the desk and look the papers over. A campaign for organically made men’s underwear.

“What’s your problem?” I ask, signing off on the ones I like, and crossing images with an X when I don’t.

“My problem? Oh, let’s see... I’m doing the job of two people since that new editor you hired has vanished into the wind, but your partner won’t let me fire her for some ungodly reason, which means I can’t hire anyone for the position because it’s not open. Then, I try to call and speak to the little tart, at which turn your partner suspends me for two days forgetting into his business.” She huffs, heaving breaths as she eyes me, face red with anger.

“Well, I had no idea about any of this.” Fuck, what’s going on in my company? It seems I’ve been spiraling so hard, that I don’t even know what’s happening around me anymore. “But I’ll look into it, and I’ll speak with Ms. Eder. She’s been feeling under the weather, is all. I do appreciate you taking the time to step up to the plate, though, Suzanne. And you will be compensated for your efforts.”

This makes her puff her chest up with pride, her eyes filling with confidence. “Well, thank you. I guess I should’ve come to you before going to Conner.” She picks up her papers and makes her way out the door, and I sit back and scrub my face.

Conner has been running my company and micromanaging my life for far too long. It’s time to make a change.

* * *

“Now,have you ever done this before?” the therapist asks me. Her voice is soothing, low and even, and it’s honestly a little hot. I swallow, trying to chase away the thought as she bends over and presses me back onto the blue couch. Her breasts eye me back when I roam my gaze over them.

Remember why you’re here!

I clear my throat. “No. Never.”

She chuckles, and it brushes against my skin. She straightens. Her hands, boasting red-tipped fingernails, find her curvy hips. She’s got blonde hair that’s pinned into a tight bun on her head, and brown eyes that remind me of French chocolate. “That’s alright, that’s what I’m here for. I’ll guide you through.”
