Page 90 of Voyeur

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“What about you?” she asks, looking down at my obvious erection and the wet spot my greedy dick made.

It jerks, as if her gaze can be felt corporally.

“This wasn’t about me, Carina. It was about you.”

She bites her lip. “You’re sure you’ll be alright?”

I laugh. “It won’t break off if that’s what you’re asking. I’d be a lot better if we can get you into some clothes, though. I will admit.”

She smiles, her eyes taking me in and filling with warmth. “You’re a scary man, Gage. But you’re also the best man I’ve ever known.”

“Mmm,” I say, hefting her up and letting her get her legs under her. “Give me time, hmm?”

I kiss the top of her head as she leans into me, and we make our way into the bathroom to clean her up.

Though my words hang heavy between us, both of us know I’ll never do a thing to harm her.

But what I could do unknowingly to break her trust and change how she looks at me, that list is long.



“Ican just get with Conner on this,” Stan says, turning towards the door in my office.

I stand, slamming my hands on my desk. The sound halts him. He turns, eyeing me with questions dancing on the surface of his eyes.

“You’ll do no such thing. I am your boss, and therefore, you work for me. Your loyalty is to me. I don’t want word of this leaving this fucking office. Do I make myself clear?”

Turning once again, he crosses his arms over his broad chest, his tattoos bulging over his ridiculously sized muscles. “And am I allowed to ask why I’m not to tell Conner? Any other situation we’ve had, I’ve worked with Conner. Yet, he was absent this morning and didn’t greet me as he usually does. And now you’re telling me to keep matters between you and me? It’s suspicious, to say the least.”

I close my eyes, trying to rein my nerves in.

“It’s just usually...” he begins.

“I don’t give a flying fuck how weusuallydo things, Stan. I want them done privately this time. You’re reporting all you find straight to me. Conner isn’t in the office, and this matter is to remain between the two of us. If you don’t think you can do that, I’ll hire someone who can.”

Stan drops his arms to his sides, contemplating the large sum I pay him to work here, likely. He sighs, scrubbing a hand over his face.

He’s loyal to Conner. Conner has that way about him, as did Father. I get it. But I can’t have this kind of conversation again. If he won’t help me, I’ll simply find someone who will.

“I’ll handle it. I’ll give you the report by the end of the day. I don’t know that I’ll find him within a day, but I will give you updates at the end of every day I’m working the case.”

I nod. “Thank you, Stan. And please, be discreet.”

He eyes me once more, narrowing his gaze before resigning himself to his task.

“Understood,” he answers, turning and moving out of my office with purpose.

“Fuck!” I grumble, plopping into my chair and turning toward the Seattle skyline dancing in the waning twilight. It used to do something to me, looking out over those beneath me. Now, it makes me feel small.

Grabbing my phone, I hover my fingers over the keyboard inside Carina’s text message. I told her I’d loop her in and that we were in this together, but after the other night when she allowed her stalker to chase me from her home, I wonder whereherloyalties lie.

I sigh, knowing I’ve done enough shit things in my life already. One good deed won’t make up for any of them. But it’s a start.

I hired someone to find Wes. I feel like he’s a major missing piece to this story. Maybe he has some memories that we don’t.

Carina texts back almost instantly.
