Page 95 of Voyeur

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“Good morning, little one,” he purrs, voice vibrating my already frayed nerves.

“Good morning,” I answer weakly.

“What are you up to, hmm?” he asks, and my insides hollow, wondering what to lead with.

I turn my face towards his, letting my eyes roam over the beauty that is his rugged face. Sleep still clings to him, etched in the relaxed lines of his face. I smile.

“Waiting for the stalker that warms my bed to rouse,” I tease, leaning forward and capturing his lips.

Over the last few days, my nerves around him haven’t faltered. I haven’t gotten used to his all-consuming presence any more than I’ve learned to get Tigger to stop fighting with Piglet.

But taking this step, making this move on him, makes me feel strong and in control. He has that way about him. Even when I’m running from him through the house as he counts down to when he’ll come to find me, I know one word will stop it all.

His tongue slides against mine, and I open for him, tilting into the kiss, unguarded and growing needy for more.


I grow wet as the word rolls through my head.

Gage feels the change and pulls back. “What are you thinking about, little one?”

I smirk. “Nothing.”

I wish there wasn’t so much going on. That we could forget the world and snuggle up as the snow falls in sheets outside the house, warm and cozy as some show plays in the background on Netflix. But alas, we have to figure out what the hell is going on with our skewed dreams.

We have to get closure.

“We have to meet Emery tonight. He’s sending a car for us.”

He snarls, standing straight and looking down at me. His hands drop and grip the back of the couch, and it creaks under his massive hold.

“I don’t like that, Carina. I don’t want to be at his mercy.”

I nod, knowing how he feels. “I really don’t think it’s him. I don’t know why, but even from the first time he shook my hand, I knew something was off. He’s got someone looking for Wes, another person who was there that night. I think he might have found something. Of course, you don’t have to go, but I told him I’m more comfortable with you there…” I trail off as his eyes fill with emotion.

Tension wafts from him, shoulders lowering. Walking around the couch, he lifts my feet that are covered in a fuzzy blanket and lets them rest on his lap. “And is that the truth, or just what you want him to think?”

I can’t believe he has to ask, but I realize I’m very much a closed book. I always have been. It’s an effort to let people in, to let them know me, because they could be an enemy. They could hurt me.

I nod. “It is true. I haven’t…” I swallow. “I haven’t been having nightmares at night since you’ve been here.”

His eyes are locked on mine. “Well, they’d be stupid to show up with me here.”

A laugh escapes me, making Gage’s face light up.

“And what would you do if they did? Fight them?”

He nods. “Yes.”

One simple term wipes the smirk off my face, my laugh silencing as my blood thrums and a low hum stirs between my thighs.

“I’ll go with you,” he says, his Adam’s apple fluttering as he swallows.

It’s cold enough outside for the snow to stick to the ground, but here on the couch with him, it feels like the surface of the sun.

“Thank you,” I whisper.

A knock at the door breaks up the moment between us. I look at my phone. Noon.
