Page 18 of Forever Together

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“Good! I’ll pay the bill and then we can get to the next event I planned for tonight!”

Turney brow rose. “Event?” He checked his watch, it was near 8pm. “Are we going to another movie?”

Octavius hummed, his grin widening. “Not exactly…”

* * *

Turney frownedas Octavius directed him to pull into the parking lot of Black Fox Amusement Park. It was decked out for Halloween and the lights were on, yet it appeared to be empty. “An amusement park? Are you sure it’s open?”

“Oh, it’s open! I rented it for the night!” Octavius said with an excited giggle.

“The whole park?!” Turney gasped. “Shouldn’t there be like a Halloween thing going on? Wouldn’t that be a big draw for them?”

“No worries! They actually had to close early today for some repairs, so that they are all ready for Halloween tomorrow. Repairs are done, and they are here for us to play tonight! Oh, it’s going to be so much fun! But first…” Octavius opened the glove box and pulled out a bottle of Zom Nummies. “You should pop a few of these. Like six… Just to be safe.”

“Six?” Turney asked with a brow raised.

“Yes, the activity we will be partaking in is very energy consuming.”

“The ‘activity’? What exactly will we be doing here?” he asked with narrowed eyes as he took the bottle.

“Oh…you know…just going around…having fun.” Octavius’ gaze avoided his.

“Why are you being suspicious?” He opened the bottle and quickly popped six chewables into his mouth.

“Suspicious?! Me?! Nonsense!” Octavius waved his hand. “Come, let’s go!”

Turney let Octavius drag him through the parking lot and up to the ticket booth. The area that would usually be full of people waiting in line to get in was completely empty and open at the moment.

The small booth was decorated in cobwebs and striped orange and black. There was a woman dressed up as a witch standing inside. Her face broke out into a smile when she spotted them.

“Welcome to Black Fox Park! I hope you have an amazing time on your zombie run!” She beamed. “Here are your survivor bracelets, freezer guns, and park map!” She placed two orange and black striped laser guns, and two sort of transparent black bracelets that looked to have empty settings for some sort of inserts on the counter in front of her. “Now, remember, the goal of the game is to track down the ten fox jack-o-lanterns in the park, and get a fox pumpkin jewel. You will be given two hours to track down the ten jewels. As you can see, there are empty settings on your bracelets for you to put the jewels in to. Once you have collected each of the ten jewels and placed them into your bracelets, to officially win the grand prize and the game, you must take your completed bracelets to the large fox statue at the center of the park. Tap the statue while saying ‘game’ and victory will be yours. This is who you are looking for, by the way.” She held up a picture of someone dressed up as a large, round jack-o-lantern. The face carved on it was that of a fox. It basically looked like a carved pumpkin had grown arms and legs. “Note, if one of the zombies tags you, you are frozen. And the only way to unfreeze is to stand still for two minutes. But don’t worry, you are un-freezable for ten minutes after the two minutes are up. Any questions?”

Turney stared, mind just whirling as Octavius asked, “How do the zombies know we can’t be frozen for ten minutes?”

“Your bracelet will light up green and remain green until the ten minutes are up. On another note, your bracelet will light up blue when you are frozen. As will the zombies’ if you managed to shoot them in one of the target spots on their bodies. Any other questions?”

“No!” Octavius sang happily as he snagged a bracelet and put it on, before grabbing his map and freezer gun.

“A zombie run, Octavius?”

“It’ll be fun!” the vampire cried.

Turney shook his head and picked up his bracelet. Putting it on, he picked up the remaining freezer gun and map. He supposed it was only fair that they do something Octavius enjoyed. He doubted the vampire had found the movie or dinner that much fun, considering the male didn’t really like comedies…and couldn’t eat.

Gun in hand, Turney turned to Octavius and saw how hesitant his smile was. As if he thought Turney was about to say no. He let out a soft chuckle. “Come on, let’s do this.”

Octavius let out an excited squeal, jumping in place. “YAY! Let’s go! Let’s go!”

* * *

Octavius stood there,his face grim. He and Turney stood side by side, backs pressed against the wall of a nearby building, hidden in the shadows. They had done it. Fought the hoard and found the fox pumpkin jewels. Victory was so close! Within their sights—literally, the fox fountain was right there! Unfortunately, also right there, was a hoard of zombies.

Having chosen to do this without paranormal abilities, they were down to the last five minutes. They had carried out the run…as ‘human’ as possible.

“This doesn’t look good, Turney.”

“No…they have us blocked in on all sides… and are just waiting for us to appear.”
