Page 2 of Forever Together

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To be honest, he hated these thoughts. Because of how vain they were… Like, did it matter? He kept telling himself it didn’t. In the face of what could be…the scars were nothing.

And, with the thoughts, came guilt. Especially when they tried to pop into his head when Theo was around. Because Turney had survived…Cynthia had not. Theo would no doubt give anything to have her back. How could he be so self-absorbed and worried about scars when they were the very marks that had brought him back to life?

* * *

Octavius giggledas he ran away. His excitement for all that was to come, all that he had planned, was immeasurable. The party was so close! Oh, his grand entrance was going to be breathtaking—the costumes, the scares, THE SHOWS!

And for the first time in years, all his fledglings were coming! For the past few decades, it always seemed that at least one of them was missing each year. The absences always saddened him, but he understood that sometimes one gets too busy to party. Though, honestly, it was still shocking, as he thought he had taught them better than to prioritize ‘responsibilities’ over fun… Oh well, they were all coming this time!

He couldn’t wait to introduce everyone to Turney. Then again, perhaps Turney was the reason they all were coming. It had been a long time since he had a partner. He was sure Henry had told them more about Turney than Octavius had. Which could be a good and bad thing. But he believed—for the most part—that Henry approved of Turney, so it had to be a good thing, right?

Either way, this year was going to be the Halloween party to beat all other Halloween parties! The party of a lifetime! It would hands down beat out his parties from years past. This year’s festivities would span not just one, but two houses! Octavius had miraculously convinced Scarlett to let him use her property. And between their homes, now sat a haunted pathway in the forest.

Octavius had of course forbidden anyone from entering the woods, and a number of rooms throughout both houses, until party time. Well, except for him and Min-ji.

Ahh, Min-ji—his helper in evil. How he appreciated all she had done to help him carry out his nefarious plans. All the spells and tricks. Everything was just for show, of course, but it really elevated the ambiance to another level when one used spells instead of simple props.

Such fun he would have…with all his plans in place. Speaking of plans, what room should he finish today? There weren’t too many left. Well…not of the ones he planned to leave open to the partygoers. Maybe one Halloween he’d decorate every room. But that Halloween was not this one. Octavius had started decorating way too late in the month for that to ever be possible.

To add on, there were just not enough people coming to warrant that. And despite what Turney had accused him of, he hadn’t decorated the entirety of the two houses. As it was, he had at most decorated about forty rooms in each home so far. Which wasn’t too bad, right? Like, he hadn’t even touched the third floor, and had barely touched any of the rooms on the second. Same could be said of Scarlett’s home—he had mostly stayed on the first floor.

Octavius skidded to a stop and stared up at Scarlett, who was standing in his path. The zombie’s large emerald green eyes did not look happy. Scarlett must have been up for a while, as she was dressed and already had her make-up on. As always, she looked flawless. But then again, how could she not, with her pert upturned nose, soft dimpled chin, and delicate features. Her copper curls were perfectly styled and at bob length, her lips a bright red shade, and while her skin was as pale as always, her freckles were showing across her cheeks and nose. She was currently wearing a navy-blue sweater, paired with a black ankle-length pencil skirt and black slippers.

She was definitely eyeing him with a disapproving frown.

“What?” he asked.

“What did you do?”

Octavius flinched at the accusation in her tone. “Nothing at all? Why do you ask?” he said innocently with his bat eyes wide and full of fake confusion.

“Oh, really?” She snorted.

“Yes, really.” He didn’t sound convincing even to his own ears.

“Is that‘nothing’that you did the reason I felt a spark of fear come from my poor neophyte mere moments ago?” she asked with a bright, terrifying smile.

Octavius laughed sheepishly. “It was just a little scare. It’s spooky season. It’s expected, right?”

Scarlett stared down at him, silent for a moment, before shaking her head and saying, “If Turney leaves you, I’m taking his side.”

He gasped in outrage. “HE WOULD NEVER! Turney loves me!”

How could she even say that?! Turney? Leave him?! Never! They loved each other, including all their quirks. Turney wouldn’t leave him… He wouldn’t…

Scarlett snorted. “I don’t know, love can only go so far.”

“SHHH! He wouldn’t leave me just for having fun!”

She tsked. “Poor Turney.”

“Stop it!” he cried, as he turned back into his humanoid form.

She continued to tsk.

“Stop,” Octavius whined. “Turney isn’t going to leave me! He’s happy with me!”

“How long before that happy is scared out of him?”
