Page 3 of Forever Together

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Octavius glared. “It won’t be. I haven’t scared him that much.”

And he hadn’t. It had only been a few times…maybe ten…or more. Octavius wasn’t that bad, was he?!

“I’ve felt a surge of fear from him literally multiple times a day, every day, for the past week and a half, Octavius. Be kinder to your poor boyfriend, and stop scaring the hell out of him.”

He winced. Had it…been every day? Octavius sort of lost track. He’d never been good at doing things in moderation… Perhaps, he’d been going just a tad bit overboard. “Fine, fine, I’ll cut back. And I’ll make sure in the following years I don’t do too much. He won’t leave me.” Octavius frowned. Turney wouldn’t, would he?

“No, of course, he won’t,” she said, which had him sighing in relief, but then she continued, “I was just trying to make a point. Truth is, Turney is way too foolishly in love, and attached to your crazy ass, to leave you at this point. But that doesn’t mean it gives you leave to take advantage of his easy going nature. I love you, and…I probably am, at this point, feeling love for Turney as well. Even if a lot of it is spurred on by the bond. I want you two to take care of each other. That includes knowing when you are taking things too far. I know you aren’t doing it on purpose. You just get so obsessed and excited about things that you end up overdoing it. So, this is me telling you that you are taking things too far. In this matter, I’d suggest treating Turney as you would me… Would you be scaring me this much?”

Octavius shook his head with a pout. “No…you’d get really mad if I did.”

“I would. I’d definitely make you regret it, if you attempted to scare me every day. But Turney isn’t like me. He lets you get away with a lot of things, Octavius. You know he does. So don’t take advantage of that leniency.”

She was right… Turney let him get away with a lot. Mostly, because the zombie loved him, and he tended to brush some of the things he did off as he knew it made Octavius happy. He’d been taking advantage of that.

“Fine, I’ll…pull back. And not do it every day.” And maybe he’d find a way to apologize to his zombie bun… Turney deserved the world.

Octavius took a deep breath. His hand shaking as he reached out for one of the knobs on the stove. He flinched at the click it made when he turned it.

Octavius blinked when nothing appeared to happen. Oh! Oh good, Scarlett’s stove didn’t use actual fire! One less thing to worry about.

“Perfect! No fire means…no fire, right?” Octavius said with a hint of relief.

Were all stoves like this now? He tended to not pay attention to cooking in movies. Octavius didn’t feel the need to taunt himself with things he could not consume. Honestly, he just avoided looking at stoves too closely all together, due to the last time he used one…

Like, how was he supposed to know that you had to turn the gas off when done? Well, he’d burned what he’d been cooking…but that was besides the point. Wait…had it been the gas? It had been something… Something that had led to an explosion…

But that was not an issue here, as it was electric. Yay for electricity! He could do this! It was just cooking. What could possibly go wrong? For Turney! He’d do this for Turney!

“Now…oil, right?” He eyed the bacon and eggs he’d gotten out. “Cooking requires oil…yes!” Nodding, he grabbed the bottle of oil and dumped some in. He watched it coat the bottom and then added a bit more.

“Do I wait for it to heat up or…try to start cooking right away?” he asked the air. “Probably heat up.”

He stared at the pan, waiting. Octavius had to say that…cooking was kind of boring without the fire...

* * *

Turney let out a yawn.He was slowly making his way to the kitchen. It took a hell of a lot longer to get there now because his path was so blocked. He supposed he’d have to eat alone today. Min-ji and Scarlett had gone out on a date, and the werewolves weren’t usually up at this time. Sadly, he’d gotten used to being woken up at the buttcrack of dawn due to Octavius.

Maybe he could drag the vampire away from his Halloween decorations long enough to have a nice meal together. Even if it was just him eating while Octavius drank. The vampire had been so busy lately, they'd hardly had any time together.

Turney stumbled to a stop…frowning. Was…that a heartbeat he heard? The sluggishness of it told him it was Octavius’. Unless Henry had decided to come over for some reason. No—it was only eight—the younger vampire usually wasn’t up until nine.

His frown deepened when he realized where the heartbeat was. What the hell was Octavius doing in the kitchen?

The vampire wouldn’t be trying to decorate it, would he? Oh, he had better stop him. If there was one place Scarlett didn’t like others messing around in, it was her kitchen.

Turney took off, rushing down the hallway towards the kitchen. His eyes widened in horror when he turned the corner to the sound of a woosh followed by a scream, and then the fire alarms started going off.


He burst into the room and skidded to a stop, his jaw dropping. Octavius stood there near the sink, his back to Turney, screaming. There was smoke billowing up around him, and he was frantically waving around a flaming pan in one hand, and burning curtains in the other, all while the fire alarm blared loudly as if mocking him.

“Oh. My. God!” Turney blurted.

Octavius spun at his words, eyes wide and full of tears. Turney remained frozen on the spot for a moment, as Octavius continued to wave his arms around like a maniac, before jumping into action. Opening the cabinet with the fire extinguisher inside, he quickly sprayed the fire waving menace.

When the last of the fire was out, Octavius’ arms dropped to his side, the items falling from his grasp. The burnt pan clattered to the ground as what was left of the curtains floated down.
