Page 22 of Forever Together

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Theo was a golden dragon with some impressive face and body prosthetics, while Sprinkle was a cute baby dragon that matched him. Sprinkle’s outfit was nowhere as elaborate as Theo’s, but she did have on a hooded onesie-like outfit that mimicked Theo’s costume with scales and horns. She was currently clutched in Theo’s arms, front paws hanging over, looking around with interest.

Turney leaned closer to the other zombie and asked, “Do you know what Octavius is?”

Scarlett snapped her fan shut, expression still sour. “No, I don’t.” Her gaze swept over him. “But I imagine it has something to do with yours.”

She eyed him a few minutes longer before flipping her fan open and going back to fanning herself.

“There are humans here…I mean, I’m not imagining that, right?”

Her fan paused. “You are most likely smelling some of the hired actors.” Her gaze on him turned speculative. “You feel mostly calm to me. Are you having trouble?”

“No. The pork brain burgers we ate earlier were very filling. And if I get hungry, there is always the food on the tables… No matter how questionable some of it looks. I’m just nervous. There is definitely more than one.”

“They are likely aware of paranormals if they are here,” Min-ji mused. “Though, the paranormals could always be banking on the humans thinking that those fully exposed went all out for their costumes. But I doubt it.”

How were their costumes not already going all out, even before letting their natural bits out and free? Was spending hundreds on a costume considered a normal amount of effort for paranormals? Turney shook his head—rich people…

Scarlett sighed. “They are aware of us. The actor group that Octavius uses employs both humans and paranormals; it’s required that all humans working for the group be in the know.”

“Them knowing doesn’t really…change my situation…” he pointed out.

The female zombie sighed. “Don’t go anywhere without Octavius or someone else by your side, just to be safe. There is an absurd amount of paranormals in this house right now. There should be no issues with protecting a few humans from one baby zombie.”

“Right. Stick with someone. No problem.” Turney eyed her in concern as she went back to fanning herself. “Are you…hot?”

Which was a dumb question to ask another zombie…but she was acting weird, and he wasn’t sure what else to ask her.

Her hand paused again, right brow raising. “No, of course not.”

“Are you having trouble breathing?” he asked hesitantly.

“Yes!” Scarlett snapped.

Min-ji giggled. “I didn’t even bind you that tight.”

“Uh…don’t you not need to breathe?” Theo asked.

The man hadn’t said much since finding them in the crowd, and honestly, he looked nervous.

Turney, personally, thought it would be better for him to have sat out tonight and to not push it. Hell, this was a lot for Turney, he couldn’t imagine how overwhelming it would be for Theo after everything.

“Just because I don’t need to, doesn’t mean I don’t want to!” she growled. “And this ‘thing’ is suffocating!”

Turney snickered, but squashed the sound the minute she turned a glare on him.

Scarlett went to say something, but stopped as the lights dimmed and some atmospheric type music started to play. They collectively turned to look to the top of the grand staircase, where Octavius had said he’d be coming from.

Octavius’ voice boomed out as he began to tell a story. Turney was pretty sure it was a recording.

“A fair priestess, wanted by a God. Run, she did. Hoping for protection. But what she got instead was betrayal!” His voice cried out the last part as green and purple glitter burst out above in the high vaulted ceilings. Octavius, in bat form, appeared, his body lit up by spotlights.

As he fluttered down towards the platform at the top of the stairs, glitter continued to rain down dramatically around him.

“Chasity taken, she was changed by the very one she believed in. Into a monster!”

He landed then, a giant explosion of glitter hiding his form. As it cleared, Octavius appeared in all his shining glittering glory, chest and feet bare. He was wearing a brown leather layered skirt tinted in gold. The ones one often saw on ancient Roman soldiers. A gold snake belt wrapped around his waist. There were golden snake bracelets crawling around his upper biceps, bangles at his ankles and wrists. Octavius’ toned olive muscles were shimmering green with flecks of purple and gold glitter dusted everywhere. The vampire’s arms and legs were covered in green and purple tinted snake scales. His eyes were accented with greens, purples, and gold, with scales around his face, much like his arms and legs. There was a golden sparkling headdress on his head that looked to barely be holding back a mass of shimmering but unmoving snakes. He looked really freakin’ hot, but oh so glittery.

“‘How dare she try to refuse a God? A mere mortal? Did she think she was better than a God?’, was what that Goddess of hers thought. So transformed she was. Her hair turned into snakes, and now any man who caught her gaze would fall to stone. Those she loved would be lost to her from a single look.”
