Page 23 of Forever Together

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A spotlight lit right on Turney when the word ‘loved’ was spoken. His eyes widened, and he glared at the group around him as the traitors backed away.

He smiled hesitantly and slowly turned around to face the crowd, giving a little wave.

Welp…Turney guessed he had been turned to stone…

Octavius giggled in delight as his pre-recorded story ended. Pulling his microphone out of one of the secret pockets in his gladiatorial-like skirt, he happily announced, “Welcome all to the best Halloween party of the year!”

His smile brightened as the crowd cheered, the noise almost deafening with the size of the crowd. “This year’s party takes place across two houses, joined together by a haunted forest. Spooks and horrors all around. There are handheld maps to guide you to the different areas of the houses that are open for entertainment. You’ll find the maps on various stands throughout the manors. You are free to wander between, but do note that for the first half of the party, the actors and the festivities will remain here. The map has a detailed list of times for when rooms will have actors in them. As for when we switch to the other house, no worries about being left behind, we will let you all know when it’s time to head to the home of my dear friend, Scarlett. Now go and have some fun, but make sure to be back here in an hour, as once the clock strikes nine, there will be a show you won’t want to miss right in this very room. So don’t be late.” He sent the crowd a wink. “LET THE PARTY BEGIN!”

As he said begin, there was a burst of glitter shimmering down over the crowd, and the live band began to play some spooky original song created just for his party.

The spotlights on him turned off, and Octavius made his way down the stairs. He forced himself to ignore the large pumpkin candy bowl in the corner of his eye. He’d not be tempted this time!

Octavius smiled brightly when he reached Turney and the rest—the candy bowl safely out of view.

“So? What do you think?!” he asked with excitement.

Turney’s eyes swept over him, there was a bit of heat in his gaze. “It’s something. I mean, everything looks amazing, and you look…” Turney wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him closer. “Edible…and very glittery.”

Octavius giggled. “And you look like the perfect statue. I can’t wait to chip away at you with my fangs.”

Turney snorted.

His zombie bun really did look like the perfect statue, color and all. The make-up artist did a wonderful job on his hair and make-up.

He spun out of the zombie’s hold, and his gaze swept excitedly over his friends. “Ah! You all look amazing!” he gushed, bouncing on his heels. “Scarlett, so beautiful! Min-ji, just dashing! And Theo, our fierce dragon. Oh, look at you, Sprinkle,” he squealed. “My little baby dragon is looking so cute.”

Theo chuckled as Sprinkle meowed. “She seems very pleased with her outfit.”

He gently petted Sprinkle’s head, sending her purring.

Octavius turned to the other two, and promptly turned right back around at the sight of the fierce expression on Scarlett’s face. Yes, he had a feeling this was how she would react to her costume. But she looked so good!

“Let’s go explore, shall we, Turney?”

Scarlett let out a growling sound behind him.

Turney’s eyes widened. “Uhh…”

He snagged the male’s arm and started dragging him away. “Come, come. Everyone else. Dance, explore, have fun!”

Turney didn’t protest as Octavius pulled him through the crowd, and away from the angry female zombie. They eventually made it to the hallway, where people were already milling about. He supposed most hosts would be overwhelmed with guests trying to meet them, but his friends knew better. Octavius would rather run about having fun, over having long drawn-out conversations with people wanting to ‘catch up’. Unless Octavius had specifically set up a time to meet with someone during his party beforehand, he did not want to talk. No one interfered with his Halloween fun with useless talking and gossip. That was the quickest way to not get an invite next year.

“Nice of you to use me as a way to escape, Octavius.”

Octavius gasped. “Who, me?! Never!” He stared at Turney with wide innocent eyes, knowing full well how fake he just sounded.

Turney snorted. “You aren’t believable at all.”

“That’s not the point. The point is that I got away!” Octavius exclaimed haughtily.

The zombie chuckled. “I have a feeling she is going to pay you back later for making her wear that dress.”

“You…may not be wrong. But you also…may not be right.”

“Mmhmm,” Turney hummed before hesitantly asking, “So, where are we going?”

Octavius smiled. “What an excellent question, my dear petrified lover. There are so many options, hmm.”
