Page 34 of Forever Together

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The first in line was the brown-haired woman. She smiled at him when their gazes met. “I’m the oldest. From Roman times, in fact. Gaia Evander.” She sent him a wink, her smile turning devilish, before speaking while she nodded in Octavius’ direction. “You’ll find a few of us took this crazy old bat’s last name.”

Octavius spluttered. “Old?!”

The others laughed.

“Nice to meet you,” Turney said with a hesitant smile.

“I’m notthatold,” Octavius grumbled with a clear pout. “Well, I’m old…but I’m notold. My heart and mind are fully young!”

The next up were the twins. The one with the shorter hair first. “As I’m sure you noticed, we are twins. Egyptian twins. I’m the oldest though. Heka Evander, here in all my glory.” The vampire spun in place, as if to show himself off fully.

His brother rolled his eyes. “Glory, my ass. He’s older in age, not in mind,” the younger twin said with a sigh. “I’m Seti. It’s nice to meet you, Turney.”

Turney nodded. “Likewise.”

The giant blond-haired man stood slightly straighter then. “Rune Evander. Viking era.”

“You were a Viking?”

It kind of made sense because he looked like one, and probably would even without the costume.

“Mm, a damn good one, until the bloody Franks got the jump on me,” the vampire replied with a vicious smirk.

“If you were good, you’d have lived to a ripe old age,” Haoran drawled sweetly.

Rune growled but didn’t respond.

The blonde-haired woman chuckled. “Ignore them. They are always like this. As I’m sure you can tell by my accent, I’m British. My name is Elizabeth Burroughs. But you may call me Lettie.”

“Nice to meet you, Lettie.”

Haoran cleared his throat. “I’m Liu Haoran. I’m Chinese, born during the Yuan Dynasty.”

“Nice to meet you, Haoran. Scarlett mentioned something about you and fireworks.”

The smaller male let out a loud groan. “Set fire to a house once and they never let you live it down!”

Octavius reached out and patted his arm, clearly sympathetic. “They really don’t let you live anything down. Not a single simple mistake.”

Turney snorted. “Your definition of a simple mistake is nowhere close to anyone else’s.”

Octavius sent a pouty glare his way.

“Moving on from burning down houses, which may I remind you, by the way, was not a one-time occurrence,” Henry drawled with a small smile. “You know who I am, Turney. But my full name is Henry De León. And I was changed at the end of the seventeenth century.”

Haoran looped his arm through Henry’s. “Yes, he’s the baby.”

Henry sighed.

“That he is, and what a show our baby put on!” Heka said with a laugh.

Lettie giggled. “So, now that we’ve introduced ourselves, why don’t you tell us who this fine finned friend of yours is, Henry?”

“Yes, tell us, Henry. Tell us.” Haoran snickered.

The man looked up at the ceiling, there was a clear ‘why me’ expression on his face.

Cormac cleared his throat. “Ah, I’m Cormac. I work at the agency.”
