Page 35 of Forever Together

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His expression seemed even stiffer than before…

“Ah, the agency. How is that doing, Father?” Gaia asked, brows pulling in interest.

Octavius slid to her side and started to cling onto her arm, the vampire's eyes wide and shining. “It has been so much fun!” He burst out, as he started going on about their very first case…including his rare BTS photocards.

Turney would have complained yet again about those damn cards, but his mind had been stuck on the word ‘Father’.

“Father?” Turney asked hesitantly.

“Ah,” she tittered. “Unlike the rest of the fledglings, Octavius raised me. I was quite young when he found me at death’s door.”

Octavius’ expression soured. “Too young.”

“Nonsense,” she said with a smile, giving him a kiss on his cheek before pulling away.

“So, I’ve been told you have discovered a new hobby?” Seti drawled, looking concerned.

Octavius blinked, head tilting. “Be more specific.”

“I was told something about a room full of glitter,” the vampire clarified.

His boyfriend gasped. “Who told you about that?!” He glared at Henry.

Henry held up his hands, as if to ward him off. “I didn’t tell him.”

“Dammit, it was Scarlett, wasn’t it?! You’re talking to her behind my back.”

Seti sniffed. “It’s the only way to know what is truly going on with you, as she doesn’t hold back, while you do. Especially when it comes to concerning behavior. Though, this…return of Dayan is more concerning, as is all that has surrounded it. But I will leave that topic to a more suitable time.”

Cormac stiffened at the mention of Dayan.

Heka sighed. “Sorry, sire. I can’t help you here. After many years of trying, my brother, unfortunately, is still a stick in the mud.”

Turney was going to assume Seti was the more serious of the twins. Heka’s words set off a small argument between the two that the rest quickly joined in on. Eventually, they came back around to Octavius’ glitter room. He slowly stepped back a little bit at a time as he continued to watch. Turney was beginning to feel a bit overwhelmed and out of place as they teased and joked with each other.

Would this be what one would call a family reunion? He got a sense of warmth watching it all, but also one of disconnection. For Turney had never experienced such a thing. He eyed the group and his gaze caught Cormac’s. The wolf stared back, and it was then he realized…that Cormac…was feeling the same way. God, his family situation probably didn’t have many reunions either. A look of understanding flashed in the werewolf’s eyes, and he gave him a weak smile with a nod.

Turney nodded back awkwardly before he forced himself to look away, not wanting to see so clearly the same emotions he was feeling in another’s eyes. He didn’t want to see the yearning…

“Iswear it was the loudest thud I’ve ever heard. Followed by intelligible cursing, and what sounded like a flood!” Lettie said with exasperation, though she was smiling brightly.

Octavius burst into a fit of laughter, the others joining in, even if they had heard this tale too many times to count.

“How was I supposed to know the bottom of the tub would be that slippery?” Rune huffed.

“Gee, water on a surface and it being slippery, who would have ever surmised such a thing?” Haoran hissed, arms crossed. “Do you know how hard it was to secure that thing?! Literally, months of bribery, payments, just a whole lot of hassle…and for what?! For you to break it in an instant!”

“I was so mad.” Octavius giggled. “I avoided parts of the world for so long, simply due to the lack of hygiene.” He shuddered. “The smells I smelled… Why we decided to settle down for a bit in the western world I’ll never know. But I was outvoted. And then when I finally had the luxurious tub of my dreams—which, like Haoran said, took months to get—not only did I not get to use it, I didn’t even get a chance to see it in one piece.”

The big Viking gave him a sheepish smile. “Sorry, sire.”

“Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard it before.” He laughed. “So, where is everyone staying? And do you all have time to stay longer? I would love to individually catch up with each of you before you leave. I’m curious why none of you chose to stay here. It’s not like I don’t have the room. Though, I am currently staying with Scarlett due to Turney’s change.”

“Can’t say I’m past the bizarreness of Scarlett having a neophyte, but anyway. We all booked at the Bellton Hotel,” Heka mused.

Seti, as he often did, gave his brother a disapproving look. Some things never changed. “I believe we all will be here for at least the next month. Which should give everyone plenty of time to catch up.”

“And as for staying here…” Gaia hesitated for a moment before letting out a laugh and saying, “We knew if we did, we’d only end up staying longer than we intended, as we would fall victim to your pouting.”
