Page 4 of Forever Together

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The vampire, frankly, was a mess. He was coated in foam and soot, his sandy blond curls were frizzy and sticking up everywhere. There were black smudges on his face and clothes, and he looked moments away from having a complete breakdown. He eyed the foam coating the vampire’s suit and hair—Turney may have gone overboard with the extinguisher.

Octavius’ bottom lip trembled. “I…I…”

Turney wanted to comfort him…but he also wanted to avoid the fire department showing up. Sitting the fire extinguisher down, he walked over to the panel on the wall and started pushing buttons. He must have hit something right, as the alarm shut off. Taking a deep breath, he slowly turned to face Octavius.

“So…Octavius…what…” He took another deep breath. “What were you doing?”

It wasn’t that he was mad…just concerned as hell.

Octavius' bottom lip wobbled some more, his eyes getting glossier by the second. “I-I just wanted to apologize! I wanted to make you something nice for breakfast! So, I got some eggs…and bacon…but then, suddenly the pan was on fire! And I tried to put it out with water, but instead of working, it whooshed.” The vampire made a whooshing gesture with his hands. “And then the curtains caught fire, and the alarm…” Octavius burst into tears.

“Oh…Octavius…” Turney moved in and pulled the sobbing vampire into his arms, rubbing his back. “It’s fine… Don’t cry. You aren’t hurt, are you?” He didn’t think he was—just upset.

Octavius sniffled. “No…”

“I have to say, I’ve never seen someone try to put a fire out by waving their arms before.”

“Probably for the best because it wasn’t working,” Octavius whimpered, as he clung tight to him.

“So…it was suddenly…on fire,” Turney mused. “Did you, perhaps, zone out?”

Octavius winced. “I may have…”

“Sounds about right. You didn’t happen to have put oil in the pan, did you?”

* * *

There had beena lot of oil in the pan… But didn’t one have to grease a pan before using it? Perhaps Octavius had added too much? Maybe that was why there had been a fire? “Maybe a little oil.”

Turney laughed. “Yeah, no more cooking for you.”

Octavius gasped. “What?! Why?!”

The zombie pulled back and kissed him on the forehead. “Because you are too much of a fire hazard. Can you tell me what exactly you were apologizing for?” the zombie asked, as he brushed Octavius’ tears away.

He sniffled and decided to ignore the fire hazard thing, mainly because it was sort of true. “Well…it was for scaring you. Scarlett…made me realize that I was going a bit overboard. So, it was to say sorry for that.”

“I see. Well, thank you for your effort. But, perhaps, next time do it in a way that can’t catch fire.”

Octavius sighed. Eyes going wide as his phone started playingFriendsby BTS, the song he’d set as his ringtone for Scarlett. Wiping his hands on his already ruined suit jacket, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and answered with fake cheer. “Scarlett!”

“Why did my fire alarm go off?”

“’s fine. Nothing major was damaged, but I have to go! BYE!”


Octavius hung up and ignored his phone as it began to ring again. “Oh, I’m in big trouble…”

Turney chuckled. “Maybe, just a little trouble. But it's something that's easy to fix. We can head to the store and pick up a new pan…and maybe some curtains. Both will probably be expensive, because as far as I can tell, she doesn’t buy anything cheap. But they should be easy enough to find, as long as we go to the right place.”

Octavius’ phone rang again…but the ringtone this time wasSuper Tunaby Jin…which meant it was Henry. Frowning, he answered. “Yes, Henry? Need something?”

“Why did Scarlett’s fire alarm go off, Master Octavius?”

“Why do you even have a notification for her fire alarm?!” Octavius gasped in shock.

Henry let out a snort. “Because you are there.”
