Page 42 of Forever Together

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Alexander leaned closer to the chandelier. “It looks like it was tampered with.” He pulled at the part that was supposed to keep it attached to the ceiling. “Lines were cut.”

“What is he?” Turney asked.


“Kristof!!” a male voice cried out in pure devastation.

Octavius eyed the phantom who ran in and skidded to a stop before reaching the body. Henry and Cormac followed in more slowly.

Jagger Grandor was what all those romance books would consider to be tall, dark, and handsome. Black hair, fair skin, symmetrical features. He wasn’t bad on the eyes, but something about him was irritating. Like, he was just a littletooperfect.

Octavius’ gaze flicked to the male’s outfit. It was fitting, gray and ragged—very ghost-like. The phantom didn’t have any make-up on, but, then again, he didn’t need it. All he would have to do to pull the look together would be to transform into his phantom state.

Alexander started to approach, but Octavius waved him off with his hand. The reaper’s brow rose, but he stayed back.

Good! Because this washisinvestigation! Not that Octavius wanted to investigate right now…but how could he let the reaper have this?! The murder happened in his own house! Well…in Scarlett’s. But he was living here now, so that made it his too! He couldn’t let Alexander take over something that happened in his domain, it would be too…annoying.

“Kristof!” Jagger cried out again. “How could this happen?!” The phantom was literally shaking apart where he stood, staring down in horror for a few moments before he began to sob. It was…an odd reaction for a boss to have towards the death of an employee.

Considering he had some experience in this type of thing, having gotten to experience it only recently, Octavius thought the reaction was more fitting for how one would react to losing a lover. But…if he wasn’t mistaken, Jagger was married to a woman…not a man.

Frowning, he scooted over to the sobbing paranormal and awkwardly patted his back. “There, there,” Octavius said.

“Octavius…” Turney whisper yelled.

“What? I’m comforting him.”

“Badly,” his zombie hissed.

He…couldn’t deny that. So, he didn’t try to and decided to simply ignore the comment. Was it really his fault though? The reaction was weird! “So, Jagger. This is obviously a trying time for you, but can you tell me what your relationship with the deceased was like?”

“He w-was my longtime lover.”

“I see,” Octavius said slowly. “You are married, are you not?”

“Ah, my wife and I are poly. She is fully aware, and part of, all my relationships. Including w-with Kristof.” He let out another sob.

“That would explain things.” It definitely explained his reaction. “Your wife isn’t here tonight, is she?”

Jagger sniffled. “No…why do you ask?”

Turney cleared his throat and nudged Octavius out of the way a bit. “Well, I’m sad to say… Perhaps you should sit down for this, uh, Jagger?” he said hesitantly.

Hmm, was this considered tactful? Octavius supposed he had just planned to blurt it out.

Henry, the wonderful fledgling that he was, appeared out of nowhere with a chair and sat it down near Jagger. He beamed at the vampire, who just shook his head before walking over to the bar Cormac was sitting at, and sat down next to him.

Jagger, while still obviously distraught, was looking confused now as he sat down. “What…is it? Was it not an accident? Though…Kristof was a pro. I just can’t believe he would misstep and fall to his death like this. He was so agile, athletic, flexible…smooth…”

Octavius grimaced. That was way more than he wanted to know.

Turney’s mouth twitched as he was obviously trying to control his expression. He succeeded way better than Octavius. Of course, he hadn’t bothered to try…oh well. Maybe next time there was a murder he’d do better. But really, he was in party mode, not work mode. He shouldn’t have to control his face when in party mode… IT WAS AGAINST THE RULES OF PARTYING! His rules, at least.

“So, after examining the body, we unfortunately discovered that Kristof did not die of natural causes,” Turney explained.

Yes, that was very nicely put… Octavius had just been planning to say that someone murdered his ass. Well, not those exact words. Maybe, ‘Oh, Kristof was poisoned to death!’ Something dramatic like that. With some flare, maybe some hand waving.

“W-what do you mean?”
