Page 43 of Forever Together

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Apparently, being nice was not clear enough.

“He was murdered,” Octavius blurted before the zombie could stop him. Turney sighed.

“MURDERED!? My Kristof was murdered?! By who?! Why?!”

“That is the question, isn’t it? I’m guessing it wasn’t you. Though, if it was, we will find out eventually. And it’s not your wife as she isn’t here. Unless she snuck in somewhere.”

Jagger’s back stiffened. “My wife and I did not murder Kristof.”

“Yes, well…do you have any idea who it could be?” he asked.

Turney smiled gently at the phantom. “Was Kristof your only other partner?”

Jagger sighed. “I suppose anyone I’m involved with will be a suspect now. I just can’t think of who would hurt him. Everyone knows they each have an equal sized place in my heart.” He paused, his bottom lip quivering. “We have always made it clear to everyone that jealousy would not be accepted in our relationships or near it. I…”

Yeah, he was going to guess that plenty were able to hide it then, since they knew of this rule. He never understood people stepping into a relationship they didn’t want in the first place. “I’m sorry that we must ask, but we have no choice. Please, tell us who else you and your wife are involved with.” He waited, phone in hand, ready to type up a list.

“Well, there is Jessica Bell, Jordan Deti—”

Octavius’ right eye began to twitch as Jagger’s list went on. How did they have time to sleep? In full bafflement, he typed every name Jagger listed. The phantom’s list was so long that it took up multiple pages of his document. Turney made an odd choking noise beside him.

“Wow,” he heard Cormac whisper behind them.

“Can you tell us where all these people currently are? At least, the ones that are here. Unless all of them work for your company?”

“I really can’t fathom any of them hurting Kristof, let alone killing him. He was well loved by all!”

Oh, he really wanted to ask if that was in a literal sense or figuratively.

“Okay…umm.” Turney cleared his throat. His cheeks were slightly red. It was a pretty color. His cute bun bun was blushing. “I know you don’t want to consider that one of them did this, but they are the most likely suspects. So, they are the starting point. We will of course move away from the list you gave us if it’s not one of them…but for now, these are our only leads. Unless you know of anyone who hated him and would want to do him harm?”

Jagger sighed and shook his head. “I don’t.”

“Then you must tell us where they are right now. Here, I made a list of the names, type where they are next to each one,” Octavius instructed, handing over his phone.

Phantom’s shoulders sagged, but he took it and began to type.

As he was doing that, Octavius leaned into Turney and whispered as softly as he could. “How does he have time to sleep?”

Turney scoffed. “You are a menace.”

He gasped. “Rude!”

Silence settled as they all waited for Jagger to finish. It took a good ten minutes before the phantom was finally done.

Jagger sighed. “Here, I’m done. I noted the ones that should not be here as they do not work for the company.” The man held out the phone.

Octavius snatched it with a smile. “Good, good. Thank you.”

“Would it be okay if I got back to work? I think I would like to get my mind off this right now. Until we know who…” Jagger’s voice faltered.

“Do whatever you feel is necessary,” Turney replied gently.

Alexander interjected. “To be clear, no one should be leaving the premises right now.”

Such an unnecessary add on. No onecouldeven leave. Octavius had made sure of that. Why bother mentioning it?

Jagger winced. “Understood.” The male stood up and walked off.
