Page 44 of Forever Together

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Glancing at his phone, Octavius quickly read through the list and began to sort them into five separate ones based on their current locations, including one for the people not there.

As he was finishing up, Scarlett and Min-ji returned. Scarlett eyed Turney weirdly as she came in. He was going to guess she had felt the change in his emotions when Jagger had been giving them the names.

“I fixed the barrier. It now blocks anyone from leaving, whether they be human or paranormal,” Min-ji said as she reached him.

“Perfect!” Octavius exclaimed. “And perfect timing! I can explain the list I’m about to send you.”

“List?” Scarlett asked.

He quickly sent the lists and his notes on the case so far to Scarlett, Cormac, and Alexander. His smile grew as three phones dinged a second later.

Octavius nodded. “Yes, our list of suspects… The list of Jagger’s lovers. And I’m going to assume they are also his wife’s. I broke it down into four separate lists based on location.”

“Lovers? There were enough for multiple lists?” Min-ji asked, brow raised.

Enough for multiple lists and then some,he thought. “Everyone, come here!” he announced loudly.

They all quickly congregated in a circle. Well, Turney just stayed near his side…and Min-ji and Scarlett didn’t move much. But Cormac and Henry moved…ish… They were all there, it was fine. It was circle-ish.

“So, it is your job to question these people, find out what they know, and how they feel about Kristof. You know…he never gave us a last name. No matter, I’m assuming there is only one. At least there was only one on his list of lovers. Anyway, you have a list of names and locations and notes on the murder. Oh, yeah, it was definitely a murder. Here are the groups. Myself and Turney are, of course, together. And then Min-ji and Scarlett, Cormac and Henry, and lastly Alexander and Theo. But only if Theo feels up to it,” Octavius finished with a bright smile.

Theo frowned, hesitating a moment before he answered. “I think I would like to lie down for a bit.”

“Of course, you are free to do so. Thank you for coming as far as you have for today.”

“I will escort Theo to his room, before working on my list,” Alexander stated.

Octavius’ brow rose at that but he shrugged and said, “Okay.”

“Can’t we just get the performers to come here?” Turney asked.

“No!” Octavius cried. “How could we? They are entertaining guests!”

His zombie bun let out a deep sigh.

“Istill don’t see why we can’t just call the people we need to us? Wouldn’t that be so much easier than us running around trying to find them?” Turney grumbled, flinching as the same fucking fake ghost got him for the fourth time in the woods.

Mind you, he thought all the pumpkins and the other relatively harmless decorations were cool. Really, he did! Just why did Octavius have to lean so heavily into the scary part of Halloween? He supposed the vampire would focus on the candy aspect if he could.

“You just don’t like being scared,” Octavius said with a giggle.

“Who does like being scared?!” he huffed.

“Plenty of people. Why do you think so many choose to go to haunted houses and things like that?”

“Because they are weird.”

Octavius tsked. “Just because you don’t like being scared doesn’t make them weird because they do.”

He hmphed. “I really feel that it does make them weird.”

“Now who is the one being a brat? Not I!” Octavius said with a laugh.

Turney sighed as they finally made it back through the woods and entered the house. Though, really, he shouldn’t be happy about making it back. The rooms they’d be going into were no doubt much worse than the forest ever could be.

“Why are the performers still on this side anyway? Shouldn’t they have switched when we did?”

“Because guests still have until midnight to explore this side of the party. At midnight the performers will take a short break before switching to whatever new role they will take on for the other half of the party.”
