Page 59 of Forever Together

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Slowly strutting forward, he came to stand by Turney, wrapping his arms around his waist. The zombie eyed him looking unimpressed. Some people were so hard to please—no matter. He’d please Turney to his heart’s content later. Enough to prevent walking for a little while.

“As we brushed off the glass and glanced over our minor injuries, we took a closer look at what had become of my one of a kind custom chandelier. The lines, like the first chandelier, had been cut. We were confused, of course. Why would someone sabotage a chandelier in a room most would not go in? Just one of the many questions we asked ourselves, right, Turney?”

“Yes...” Turney deadpanned.

“That was when I remembered… What did I brilliantly remember, Turney?” Octavius asked with an evil smirk.

Turney glared at him, before rolling his eyes again and grumbling, “You remembered that the room was where the second half of the party was originally going to take place.”

“Yes! I did, didn’t I?” He giggled. “It was at that moment we discovered something. A smell. Citrus and ozone, mixed with the scent of a human. Your scent Darien.” This time, as he turned to accuse, he brought Turney with him.

Darien sat there, gripping the edge of his seat. It only took about a minute of staring for the man to blurt out, “YES! I did it! I killed him! So, what?! He deserved it! He was an arrogant bastard, manipulating Jagger’s time! It wasn’t fair!”

“I don’t get you,” Turney said. “Jagger is sleeping with so many others. Why single out Kristof? Why not anyone else?”

“Because!” Darien spat, standing from his seat, his hands balled at his side. “Jagger… Jagger actually loved him! He didn’t just have a piece of Jagger’s heart. He had his own section, just like Jagger’s wife does. I saw it! He was different from the others! The twit was perfect, beautiful and never aging. So, of course, Jagger went and gave him more love than he deserved! But it was my love. The love should have been mine! I was here first! I’ve been here ten years longer than he has! The largest section should have been mine. It should have been mine!” the human raged. “It wasn’t right! So, I fixed the problem, as I should! As it was my right to do. And I’m not sorry. Kristof deserved what happened to him. For taking too much.”

Octavius stared at him grimly. “How foolish of you to enter into a relationship you had no interest in respecting the dynamics of.”

“What?!” Darien screeched. “I did! It was him who didn’t respect it! He was the one who took too much! IT WAS ALL HIS FAULT!”

He ignored the dumbass’ outrage and glanced back at the sound of someone hopping onto the stage. Octavius eyed Alexander as he approached.

The reaper had a dumb smile on his face like always. “What?”

“Are you done?”

Octavius pouted. The reaper loved trying to mess up his fun. He eyed the human who was just standing there glaring at him, before looking back at the reaper. “I suppose…”

Alexander’s smile brightened. “Then I’ll take over from here.”

He waved him on.

The reaper moved closer to the human. “You’ll be coming with me, human.”

Darien turned his glare Alexander’s way. “For what? You have no rights over me. I’m human. At most you can wipe my memories. And so what if you do? I’m better off without them!”

Octavius snorted. Boy was this human not only arrogant, he was also very, very wrong.

Alexander let out a dark chuckle. “I’m afraid you are mistaken. If you were a human who had attacked out of fear upon discovering the existence of paranormals, then of course your mind would have been wiped. But that is not the case here. This wasn’t done out of fear or self-defense. You, fully knowing all about us, plotted and planned a murder. You murdered Kristof because of your own greed, jealousy, and insecurities. Your humanity will not protect you from the consequences. You will be judged just as any paranormal would be under the same circumstances.”

“What?!” the human cried out, his eyes wide. He stood there like a deer in headlights, and then he took off. Alexander, of course, caught him easily.

With a struggling, cursing human in hand, the reaper faced them. “Thank you for the invite, Octavius, Turney, but I believe it is time for me to go.” With that, he disappeared into a burst of darkness.

Turney let out a yelp, jerking back. “What the fuck?!”

Oh, right, Turney had never seen the shadow thing. They had never really gotten around to talking about how reapers could disappear into shadows. It wasn’t like he could go long distances instantly, but reapers could travel quickly that way, jumping from one shadow to the next. They didn’t even have to see the shadow to move through it either, it was more they just needed to be close enough to feel its existence. Looking at Turney’s shocked expression, Octavius whispered, “I’ll explain later,” before turning to face the crowd with a smile on his face.

He went to speak, but right at that moment, Alexander reappeared beside the body, grabbed it, and then once again vanished.

“Well then!” Octavius said with a laugh. “I expected to give you all another show tonight, and I guess I didn’t fail at that. It just wasn’t the show I intended. Now…let’s get this party back up and running! Musicians, play!”

He beamed out at the crowd as they cheered, while the music began to fill the air. For a brief moment, the pumpkin shaped candy was revealed to his eyes…

Maybe one piece wouldn’t hurt? Octavius had been so good, all night long. He’d even solved a murder! Surely he deserved one piece?!

Turney stared at the spot Alexander had disappeared from, just amazed by all that he still didn’t know. Shaking his head, he moved closer to Octavius, and started paying more attention to the conversation he was having with Jagger.
