Page 60 of Forever Together

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Octavius reached out and gripped Jagger’s shoulder. “I know this has been very emotional and upsetting to you all. What you do next is your choice. Your team is free to join the party, continue working, or leave. What they do is up to them, and won’t affect payment.”

Jagger was frowning, he looked lost and in pain… Perhaps, Darian was right about how Jagger had felt about Kristof.

The guy took a deep breath, squared his shoulders, and loudly announced, “The show must go on!”

His people stood from their seats and cried out in agreement, and then all were off, some taking the stairs off the stage while others just jumped down. Jagger gave them both a sad smile before laying his hand on Octavius’. “Thank you for your understanding, and for solving Kristof’s murder, Mr. Evander. I apologize for this whole mess.”

Octavius slowly pulled his hand free, the smile on his face seeming to be genuine, and finally, full of empathy. “No worries, Jagger. I’m sorry for your loss.”

Jagger cleared his throat, bowed slightly to them, and then walked off.

“So, we really are just going to keep partying like nothing happened?” Turney asked.

Octavius looked at him with confusion. “Of course! Why wouldn’t we?”

He snorted. “Right, sorry. How wrong of me to assume the mood could ever be dampened by a murder.”

“As long as you know you are wrong,” Octavius hummed.

Turney stared at the vampire and tried to decide if he had just completely missed the sarcasm in his tone…or if he had decided to ignore it. The problem…was that he knew that when it came to Octavius, one could never be sure.

“Henry!” Octavius called out as he skipped to the edge of the stage. Turney shook his head and followed.

Henry pulled himself up onto the stage. “You called, Master Octavius?”

“Yes, hehe.” Octavius giggled. “Would you call the cleaning team and have them wash away the blood, then sweep and remove the broken chandelier?”

“It’ll be done, sire.”

“Thank you!”

“Come, Turney! Let’s party!”

“Can’t I just browse the food table and watch?”

Octavius pouted at him. “No!”

Turney sighed as he found himself pulled off the stage and into the dancing crowd, hoping he was not about to end up in some scary ass room that the nut had created in Scarlett’s house.

* * *

Octavius'gaze slipped to Turney, who was currently sipping from a glass, while in deep conversation with Rune. A slow smile formed on his face—this was…the perfect time. The perfect time to get his just rewards!

He slowly backed up. Making sure the zombie was still distracted, he shrank down into his Peter’s Dwarf epauletted fruit bat form, and took off through the crowd. Running between their feet, his smile widened with excitement as he caught sight of the orange pumpkin candy bowl.

Quickly looking to make sure no one had noticed him, he approached his prize. Octavius would get his candy. He’d just have a piece! Tonight, he would not be denied! He just had to remember to go slow…let it melt. It would work! It would! As long as he was patient, all that he wanted would be his.

Climbing the thick gothic stand, he propelled himself upward, jumping into the bowl. Candy… Sweet, sweet candy. He picked some up and tossed it in the air with a giggle. Oh, if only it was big enough to swim in… Next year he’d fill a tub full!

Eyes shining, he stared at the glorious bars, the wrapped lollies, all of the delicious jewels just waiting to be eaten. What to choose?! He eyed the orange chocolate lollipop shaped like a pumpkin, with a black bow tied around it to hold the clear wrapping on. It was so cute… It was perfect!

Licking his lips, he reached towards it.

“Octavius!” Turney’s voice had him flinching.

He glanced behind him and saw the zombie storming towards him, face grim.

“Just a piece!” Octavius cried!
