Page 85 of Forever Together

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“You are correct.”

Scarlett grimaced. “Cormac is out for the count, and I’m not sure how much longer Theo can keep fighting…”

“Not much longer, but he’ll probably keep trying.” Min-ji sighed. “This battle is too soon after what he has been through.”

Min-ji had already seen signs of Theo faltering…and if Cormac hadn’t interfered, he would have probably died.

“It is… We can’t let any ghouls reach them.”

“Agreed. I need to get into my backpack.” Without hesitation, Scarlett turned her back to her. Min-ji unzipped one of the smaller pockets on the side of her bag, and pulled out the strongest preset barriers she made before coming here, tossing it at the trio in the corner. Theo and Henry glance back at her, at the feeling of it snapping around them.

“For added protection,” she said. “Everyone on this team can enter and leave it, but nothing else can get in… That being said, the ward will not hold up against a horde of ghouls…so it is very important that we try to take down as many as we can.”

Henry straightened up and walked forward, stepping out of the ward. “Understood.”

Min-ji flinched at the sound of multiple doors slamming open.

“Be careful, everyone!” Scarlett yelled, before charging towards the newest invasion.

Sparks flew as Octavius’ claws connected with the sword that Dayan had popped into existence. Dealing with a Knight who was old enough to materialize bladed weapons out of nothing was such a fucking pain in the ass.

Hissing, he pushed hard, causing the Knight to stumble back a few feet and into the wall. Something shot out of Dayan’s hand, coming right towards him. His body reacted instantly, snagging the object mid-air.

The Knight whistled. “Impressive. You’ve improved so much, my love.”

Octavius scoffed, his gaze flicking quickly down and then back, not wanting to risk taking his eyes off Dayan for too long. “Unlike someone, I wasn’t locked in a cell somewhere for over two millennia. It would be questionable if my skills were lacking. Thanks for the knife.” He waved it at the male with a twisted smirk.

“Always happy to give.” Dayan ran his hand along the broadside of his sword. “Anything, you know that.”

“Then be happy and bleed for me!” Octavius growled, lunging forward. Dayan once again met his attack.

They fought, crushing petals beneath their feet as they went. The rose path and disgusting messages that had been created in the room were now long destroyed. Sadly, despite all the time Dayan had been locked up, it didn’t appear he had lost any of his skills. Then again, Octavius wasn’t sure how old the Knight was, or how powerful he'd been at the time he was locked away. He never cared to know. And all those years ago, he had never faced him at full strength. Then again, why would he have? Octavius had been a new vampire with no hope of being a match for Dayan at the time.

It seemed they were equally matched now. Octavius feared it would take a mistake on someone’s part for this to end.

“I can bleed for you, but not in the way you want me to. But shouldn’t couples compromise?” Dayan said with a chuckle, as his sword snapped in half and he just barely jumped out of the way of Octavius’ claws.

He didn’t bother responding. Charging forward, he pretended to be about to rake his claws down the male’s body, a new sword already appearing in Dayan’s hand to block him, when at the last minute, he pulled back and brought the knife in his left hand forward, stabbing Dayan in the side.

The Knight’s shout of pain was comforting.

“We aren’t a couple, and I don’t compromise with monsters,” Octavius ground out, twisting the knife.

Dayan gasped, meeting his gaze with a glare. “Then perhaps…you need to be taught a lesson about how to give and take.”

Octavius released his hold on the knife, jumping back at the sense of danger, but it was too late. His steps faltered a bit when something slammed into his side. Hissing, he reached down and yanked the knife out of his side, glaring at the man who was now a distance away from him.

* * *

Henry grasped at his chest,hissing at the pain. He stumbled back a little as the last of the current wave of ghouls fell.

His gaze flicked around, taking stock of his crew. Cormac…was down. He was a werewolf, so the wound wouldn’t kill him, for now, but he would be no help in the fight. Theo was trying, but Henry feared they’d soon have two majorly injured werewolves on their hands.

He eyed Min-ji and Scarlett. The witch was tiring, signs of strain were showing on her face. Sadly, all it would take was one misstep and Min-ji would fall. Scarlett was coated in gore, and she was injured—as in bleeding—but was in the best shape out of all of them. Zombies were not easy to take down. It would take a lot to stop her from getting back up. Henry knew he could go on for a while still…yet…the odds were not in their favor…

Had his final end come? He gasped as a vision of his wife and children appeared before his eyes.

“Sofia… Diego… Rosemary…” Henry reached out for them. They stood there looking just as they had so many years ago. Sofia’s smile was beaming, blonde hair fanning around her shoulders, as she held their son. Diego looked so small. He’d always been small. Only five years old and such a sickly child. His heart ached for all he had suffered. He’d prayed each day back then…prayed that Diego would survive to adulthood. By their side stood Rosemary, looking like a mini version of her mother.
