Page 86 of Forever Together

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Henry took a step forward, towards them, his heart racing. It had been so long…too long. He frowned, stopping a foot away from the woman, the family he yearned for and loved with all his heart. And his heart wanted to believe, but his mind refused. Sofia and his children were dead, burned to nothing. They couldn’t be here in any capacity.

Heart feeling as if it was shattering once again, he let out a frustrated growl and lashed out violently, slashing through the vision. And just like that, it was gone. In its place, a horrifying creature that screeched loudly as he sliced into it. It was eight feet tall, its limbs long and gangly. It was pure darkness, its skin gray and leathery looking. The thing’s hands were tipped with ten-inch claws, while its mouth was gaping wide, filled with rows of sharp teeth. Where the eyes should have been, there were bleeding holes. Henry wasn’t sure what it was, but he knew it was responsible for what he’d just seen.

He attacked without pause, fueled by anger and rage that this thing dared to take on Sofia’s appearance. His children’s… When it finally fell dead, Henry let out a gasp, chest heaving as he struggled to pull back from the anger it had ignited.

That when he heard…sobbing. Spinning, his eyes widened at the sight of Theo approaching another of the very same creatures. Tears were running down his face, and he was mere inches from it, the thing’s clawed hands reaching out ready to strike. Scarlett and Min-ji were fighting their own, and were not likely to reach him in time.

“Theo!” Henry shouted, jumping forward. He wrapped his arms around the werewolf’s waist and dragged him back.

“NO! Cynthia! Cynthia!” Theo thrashed around, trying to break free.

“Enough, Theo! She is not here! Cynthia is dead! Return to your senses!”

Henry cursed as the creature started towards them. Theo continued to struggle with all his might. Right as he feared he was about to be in deep shit, Min-ji appeared and slammed the palm of her hand into the monstrosity. The thing let out a high-pitched scream before literally bursting apart in a nasty spray of flesh and guts.

“Ugh…” Henry flinched as some smacked into his face. At the creature’s death, Theo went slack.

Min-ji took a staggering step forward, before her knees seemed to give out.

* * *

“Min-ji!”Scarlett cried, rushing to the woman’s side. “Are you alright?”

The witch didn’t answer at first, her breathing becoming heavy. “I’m…fine…I just used up a lot of my magic.” Scarlett gently helped Min-ji stand. “I just need a moment.”

“Maybe you should go behind the ward for now?”

“I…” Min-ji trailed off at the sound of a door opening.

“Fuck!” Scarlett cursed. She pushed the woman behind her and spun to face the new opponent. She was about to attack when she found herself stumbling to a stop as her mind registered the face of the ghoul in front of her.

The ghoul’s long platinum blond hair was filthy, blood in the strands, the pale angular face gaunt…the skin on its face was cracked heavily. Their light blue eyes were empty… There wasn’t too much decay, but the amount of wounds, the cuts, the tears…the gouges…it told her that he had suffered.

“Godric…” She gnawed on her bottom lip as anger flared to life inside her. Dayan, that bastard! Scarlett had feared him truly gone… But she should have known the Knight would have no reason to get rid of Godric completely. Why bother when he could be used to fight? “Godric…don’t worry, we’ll bring you back. You will return. I’ll make sure of it.”

As much as it hurt something inside her, she attacked the zombie who had at one point been as much of a savior to her as Octavius was.

She tried to dismember him quickly. Henry joined her, no longer dealing with Theo.

“I just need one part intact, Henry,” she told the vampire as she sliced off Godric’s head.

“You wish to try to bring him back?” Henry asked, though it came across more as a statement.

“It couldn’t have been too long…there is still a chance.” And yet, there was an equal chance that it would not work. All that was happening here took time… If Dayan had been working on this since the caves… it could have been weeks since Godric had fallen.

And bringing someone back from ghoul state all depended on timing, and dumb luck. The fact was, it would be even more of a stretch since he’d have to fully regenerate from a limb, after already becoming a ghoul. Even so…she had to try.

Once Godric was in enough pieces, they began to destroy them as much as possible. Except for one—a hand.

Scarlett picked up Godric’s still moving right hand. It attempted to attack her, even as impossible as it was. Holding onto the limb tightly, she turned to Min-ji. The witch looked exhausted, but was no longer out of breath. “I hate to ask…but can you please burn the other pieces and create a seal for the hand, to prevent it from healing for now?”

Once the other parts were destroyed completely…full body regeneration could happen in a matter of hours. They couldn’t risk that. They had no brains to give Godric to help return his consciousness. And letting him regenerate without them ready…could ruin any chance he had of coming back.

Min-ji smiled. “No worries. I can do it.”

“Thank you…”

* * *
