Page 93 of Forever Together

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Yet, he understood where Turney was at. He was still a new zombie, and being cut off from his sire for days would feel discombobulating. And if Scarlett wanted to maintain their bond and let it continue to grow, she would have to reconnect it soon. The bond was far too new for her to cut it off for so long. Though, no doubt she was experiencing the loss as well, as the sire and neophyte bond went both ways.

“Give her a few more days, okay, Turney? She has a lot to think through. A lot of feelings to get under control. She’ll connect again, she just needs a little more time.”

He would talk to her about it if it went on for too much longer…

“I’ll do my best to support her.”

Octavius smiled and leaned down to press a kiss on the top of his head, before resting back on the pillow. “That's all you can do.”

Turney sighed. “You know…we should really keep this almost dying thing to a minimum, don’t you think? Multiple times in a year is a bit much.”

Octavius chuckled. “Is it?”

“Mm…maybe once every five to ten years. Or should we make that twenty to thirty…considering how long I’ll be living now? Either way, there were at least three times this year where I almost died…two if you subtract the time I actually died. Should I also count the time those wendigos wanted to eat me?”

As much as all those actual instances of danger had caused him pain and worry, he still found himself bursting into a fit of giggles. “I don’t think you can count that, just because they wanted to eat you. Especially since one promised they wouldn’t. I will say, you may want to make it once every hundred years, if we are going to consider your life span.”

“Noted.” Turney sighed. “Octavius?”


“Did you…mean it?”

Octavius blinked, looking back down. “Did I mean what?”

Turney’s eyes were glassy as they met his. “What you said…back in the hotel, did you mean it?”

He cupped Turney’s face, caressing his cheek. “I meant it. Every word. You were worth waiting for. I would have happily suffered many more years of pain, for a single second longer with you.”

Turney turned and kissed his palm. “I meant it too. You were worth coming back for. Meeting and loving you was worth dying for. Worth becoming a zombie for.”

Octavius blinked rapidly as tears formed in his eyes. He laughed. “Ah, we shouldn’t be crying now, not after we all survived.”

Turney chuckled, and reached up to wipe his tears away.

“So…” He grinned evilly. “Did you mean what you said about letting me buy all the glitter I want?”

“Octavius!” Turney barked out in laughter.

He squealed when the zombie began to tickle him. Octavius wiggled, giggling like crazy as he tried to escape Turney’s hands. “I surrender!”

Still laughing, but no longer tickling, Turney flipped them, pulling him on top. “You are a menace, you know that?”

Octavius grinned. “You wouldn’t have me any other way.”

“Mmm, I suppose I wouldn’t.” Turney wrapped his arms around his neck, hands gliding through his hair as the zombie pulled Octavius down into a kiss.

Octavius kissed him back, and was about to deepen the kiss when a thought popped into his head. “Oh, my Gods! I forgot to free the witch locked away in a barrel again!”

“Octavius!” Turney cried. “It’s been days!”

“We just got back! I didn’t forget on purpose!”

“Oh, my God… I suddenly have a headache.”

“I really didn’t mean to!” Octavius whined.

Turney groaned. “My head…”
