Page 94 of Forever Together

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“But I didn’t!!”

Turney sat back in his desk chair and eyed the door in the middle of the wall opposite of him. It had…been two weeks since they’d returned. Since they’d been rescued—well, brought home—by the reapers, after giving their statements…

On returning, Octavius had ‘taken care of’ the witch he had imprisoned in his home during Halloween. Well…he had after he remembered him again…

The vampire refused to tell him why, or what he did to the male, but Turney figured it was better he didn’t know. Then if Alexander ever asked him, he could honestly tell him, he knew nothing.

Everyone was, of course, healed in just a matter of days. Theo seemed calmer than before, though he was still going through a lot. Cormac seemed very into training nowadays. Probably hating that he was the first one to be taken down, and that he had missed most of what happened after. Scarlett and Min-ji…from what he understood, were adjusting.

Scarlett had reconnected their bond…and they’d had a long talk. She explained some things from her past, things that he wished he’d known sooner. Turney understood why she hadn’t told him. They hadn’t really been close until recently, so there hadn’t really been a reason for her to tell him. It did make him wonder if those things had something to do with the witch being locked up in a barrel.

Scarlett had, for some reason, felt the need to apologize for the stress she had caused him in the hotel. He’d brushed it off, of course. And told her that there had been nothing to apologize for. Turney knew he wouldn’t have been in any better state than Scarlett, if it had been Octavius that had died. Either way, everyone was…getting by.

The fledglings had descended on them a day after they returned, apparently that was as long as Henry could hold them back for. Turney had come to the conclusion that it was for the best that Octavius did not get together with all of them very often. He honestly feared that the destruction would be too great if they all lived in the same place. Based on the stories he heard…there had been a lot of wreckage left behind in the past.

Other than the random guests dropping by, they were currently preparing everything they’d need to attempt to bring Godric back. Turney was glad he was there to hold Octavius as he cried in relief upon finding out that Godric hadn’t been destroyed. It was still up in the air on whether it would work or not…but the chance itself was enough to have hope, right?

Though, from what he understood, it would still be another month before they tried to revive him. It apparently took a lot of brains to bring a zombie back from the ghoul state, on top of having to gather all the organs a regenerated zombie would need.

Today marked their return to the office. And what they found when they’d returned…was a wider office, with a new door leading to a private office for Theo on the right wall. Along with a small cut out space to the right of it that made room for another desk and chair for Henry. Because, apparently, Henry was now joining the agency, so he could, in his words, ‘make sure his sire didn’t end up dead’. Man…money got shit built really fast.

Turney eyed the door some more, watching Octavius through the frosted glass window as he walked back and forth inside. The vampire was ranting about something. That shadow came towards the door, and Octavius was soon shoving it open and storming out.

“Tell him that I need all these things for the office!” Octavius stomped over to Turney, slamming a piece of paper on his desk.

“And you can get them, but not with company money. They will not be listed under business expenses,” Theo said loudly, sitting there at his desk, looking unimpressed by Octavius’ show of protest.

Octavius spun back around and dramatically cried, “BUT THEY’RE NECESSARY ITEMS THAT THE OFFICE NEEDS!”

“No,” Theo said firmly.

Turney picked up the list and started to read, eyes widening at the nonsense. “How is a fancy inside duck pond necessary for a detective’s office, Octavius?”

The vampire spun around again, eyes wide as if he hadn’t expected Turney to read the list. “Well, you see. I figured we needed an emotional support duck. After everything we’ve been through, don’t we deserve a little support?! Also, Bubby is coming in two weeks! What if he gets lonely and needs a friend?!”

Turney shook his head. “How is having an office duck going to stop a fish, that will be living at the house, from getting lonely?”

Octavius gasped. “Well, obviously, the duck will come home too. He can’t just stay here by himself!”

“No duck,” Turney said firmly.

“But, why?!” the vampire cried.

He sighed. “You don’t need a duck.”

Scarlett let out a snort. “That explains why you went to Turney’s desk and not mine.”

“Did he think I wouldn’t read it?”

“I think he thought you’d cave while looking at his big blue eyes,” Min-ji chuckled.

Turney glared at the vampire, whose expression went sheepish at the witch’s words. Yep…that was exactly what the menace had thought. “I am not a pushover, Octavius.”

“Of course you’re not, my zombie bun. I would never think that!” Octavius whined.

“Support animal or not, the answer is still no,” Theo said bluntly, as he folded his hands on his desk.

Octavius spun around again on an exaggerated gasp. “HEARTLESS!”
