Page 30 of Until Kelly

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“About damn time.” I guess he is right. I stand up. “Our bags are already in the truck. Let’s go.” Everyone walks us out the front door and they blow bubbles at us while we get in the truck.

Dreams do come true.


One year later…


“It’s time to push, Mrs. Stillman,” the doctor tells me. I am delivering early and my normal doctor is out of town. Dr. Cole was on call at the hospital. I’m not ready for this but my water broke early this morning, so I have no choice. “I want you to push when I say and hold it for ten counts,” Dr. Cole tells me. “Push.”

“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten,” Trask counts for me, but I don’t stop yet.

“Relax. Mrs. Stillman, the next time I say push, do the same thing. You’re doing simply fine.” I shake my head yes. “Be sure to hold her legs securely,” the doctor tells Lyric and Trask.

“You’re doing great, babe. Just a few more pushes,” Trask tells me. Lyric wipes the sweat off my forehead. I have been pushing for thirty minutes.

“Push, push hard and hold,” the doctor directs me, and I push as hard as I can. I feel the first child slip from my body, and I hear the cry of my child. It is the sweetest sound in the world.

“Baby number one is here, and you have a son,” the doctor tells us. I watch as the doctor takes care of my son. After the doctor told us that we were expecting twins, Trask and I decided that we didn’t want to know the sex. We would buy plenty of everything and be surprised when I delivered them. I see the doctor hand the baby to the nurse after Trask cut the umbilical cord. I feel another contraction coming. “Alright, when I say push then push and hold for ten.” I do but I am so tired. I know I need to keep going and it is two pushes later when I feel my second child slide out of me. “Baby number two is a little girl. You have one of each.” I watch as the doctor works on my little girl. Trask cuts the cord and then our daughter is handed off to another nurse and the doctor is taking care of me.

“You did it, babe. We have a daughter and a son. I love you so damn much,” Trask tells me as he kisses my head and face.

“I’ll finish up here and then you can try to feed the babies. Don’t worry if it’s hard at first. The nurse will give you instructions on how to breast feed,” the doctor tells me.

“I’m going to go out and tell everyone they are here. I won’t tell what they are yet so you can tell everyone,” Lyric tells me. Lyric has become like a sister to me the last few months. She and Botie will be the godparents to the twins just like Trask and I are godparents to their son, Cyrus. Lyric stops and gets a few pictures of the babies.

“Are they alright? They are early,” I ask.

“They are a little underweight, but both are breathing on their own and have good color. They’ll be in NICU overnight, but they should be fine. Do you have names for them yet?” the nurse asks looking at me. I look at Trask.

“Our daughter is Lauren Kimberly, and our son is Lucas Sage.” Trask and I decided on these names just in case we were blessed with one of each. I know Sage and I had our problems, but Kim loves him, so I know he is a good man and Trask agreed with me. “I guess you and Botie both get your wish.” I may not ever get to see my sister again or not for a while anyway, but this way I will have a small piece of her with me. Trask looks at me funny and then he realizes what I am talking about.

“Hell no! His boy is not marrying my girl. My girl is going to be daddy’s princess all her life.” Everyone in the room laughs. Famous last words. I love this man.

The End.
