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“Are you doing alright over there, Billie?” Raider asks me for the tenth time in as many minutes.

“It’s hard to talk through these pains, Raider.” He pats my shoulder. The thing is, this isn’t supposed to be happening. I was scheduled for a C-section next week. Then my SUV wouldn’t start so we’re in Raider’s old truck. Not the one he drives all the time, an older truck he drives if his newer truck needs to go in the shop, which is where it is right now. In this truck, I feel every bump and right now that is not comfortable. I’m cranky and these pains are getting beyond bearable. I feel a bad one coming on and that is the last thing I feel before everything goes black.

* * *


When Billie screams and then goes quiet, I start to panic. I put my foot on the gas pedal and press it as far as it will go. I can’t stop. I have no idea how to deliver a baby. I make it to the hospital in record time and I park in the incoming ambulance parking. I’m yelling for help and three people come through the sliding doors. They have a gurney to put Billie on. One of the nurses turns and looks at me.

“Move your truck from the ambulance parking or it’ll get towed,” the nurse tells me. I move the truck and then walk back into the hospital to find my wife. I see the nurse who was outside and ask her where Billie is. She tells me that they moved Billie to the OB floor and they’re prepping her for an emergency C-section. I run for the elevator. I’m typing out text as fast as I can. I arrive on the OB floor and I go to the nurses’ station. They tell me that Dr. Jenning is back with Billie and they’re moving into the surgery room. Since it’s an emergency C-section, I won’t be allowed in the room. I panic but I go into the waiting room. It isn’t long until my parents, Frannie and Reaper arrive.

“Is there any news?” Frannie asks me.

“None but what the nurses told me earlier, and I told you about that.” Frannie takes off in the direction of the nurses’ station. Mom comes and sits by me with Dad on my other side.

“Billie is a fighter and she will fight to hell and back for your children,” Dad tells me.

“He’s right, son,” Mom tells me. Reaper comes back in with coffee. I didn’t even notice him leave. He hands out the coffee and then Frannie comes back in.

“The babies were in distress. They had no choice but to deliver. It’s standard hospital rules if there is a complication for the doctor to block the delivery room from any extra people and that includes the father. Everyone, settle in. It can take anywhere from an hour to two hours depending on the complication. The nurses or doctor will call that phone when they have an update,” Frannie informs us.

I get up and start pacing. I can’t stand still. My entire world is depending on Dr. Jennings. I don’t how long I pace that floor but when the phone rings, I run to that phone.

“Hello,” I say into the phone. The nurse goes on and tells me that both my sons are healthy and doing fine. I relax a little, but they still aren’t finished with Billie. I look at everyone.

“We have two healthy sons but they still aren’t finished with Billie.” I get up and start to pace again.

“That’s normal, Raider. The doctor finishes with the babies and she goes back and finishes with the mom. Since Billie should still be out of it, they’ll send your sons to the nursery. It’ll be a little bit before you can see them,” Franny tells me.

It’s not long after that we get the second call from the nurse, telling us that Billie is fine and will be in her room soon, but she is still sedated. I get the room number she’s going to be put in, and we all go up to that birthing suite. Billie is rolled in about thirty minutes later and right behind her, they bring our sons in. Everyone is getting closer looks at our boys when Billie opens her eyes. I go to her. I kiss her forehead like I always do.

“I want to see my babies.” I smile at her.

“We have two sons. You did an awesome job, babe,” I tell the woman that holds my heart in her hands.

“I was hoping for boys that look just like my handsome husband. I love you forever,” Billie tells me.

“I love you more.” Billie shuts her eyes and goes back to sleep. My cup runneth over with blessings. It’s one of Billie’s favorite sayings. I will never run from this woman again.Life Stands Still For No One,after all.

