Page 123 of Satan's Priest

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“We’ll keep practicing,” Daiman added.

I nodded and rested my cheek against Lucien’s shoulder as he stayed inside me. I liked it when we slept like this, with one of their cocks still nestled in me.

Lucien rubbed circles on my back and wound his other arm behind his head as he got comfortable.

“Sounds good.” I yawned and fluttered my eyes closed. “We’ll start again tomorrow.”

One day I’d be good at being a succubus. Until then, I accepted all the help Daiman and Lucien provided.

“I love you,” I mumbled into Lucien’s chest.

“I love you too,” Lucien and Daiman said at the same time.

I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

* * *

I stood in my bedroom at my old home.

Layla was lying on her stomach in the middle of my bed, kicking her bare feet back and forth while she flipped through a magazine with Satan’s Priest on the cover. The band members posed for the picture, all of them wearing their masks. Lucien was in the middle, frowning while he held out his hand, fingers stretched toward the camera.

“What do you think of their new song?” Layla asked as she flipped a page.

Turning back to the mirror, I returned to brushing my hair. The bristles snagged a few knots, making me wince. “I really like it. Lucien said he made that song just for me.”

Layla snorted. “Yeah, right.”

I whirled around, glaring at her. “It’s true!”

“Did you ever find out about your dad?” Layla asked, changing the subject while keeping her eyes on the magazine article.

My eyebrows drew together. “No. I don’t know who he is.”

“Maybe because it’s me,” Layla drawled.

I widened my eyes, and my jaw hit the floor. “What did you say?”

Layla looked up from her magazine, and right before my eyes, she changed into a blond-haired man with horns curling out of his temples. He wore a fitted white T-shirt, a black jacket, and black jeans.

I shot up from my seat. “What is going on?”

The stranger sat up and folded his legs. He cocked his head and looked me straight in the eye, saying, “I felt your energy when you changed into a succubus.”

I blinked.

He sighed, slipped off the bed, and slowly approached me. I stepped away until my bottom met the vanity table.

“You don’t need to fear me, child.” Kindness laced his voice, and sadness reflected in his eyes as he gazed at me. “I know you’re confused, and I apologize. Maybe someday I will visit you in the waking world, but for now, this will do.”

I swallowed hard. “Y-you’re not going to try anything—”

His face twisted, and he grimaced. “No. I would never.”

“Then why are you here?” I was dreaming, right?

“I’m sure if I approached you while you were awake, your overbearing demons would kill me on the spot, no questions asked.”

“And you found me . . . how?”
