Page 29 of Satan's Priest

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Surprise crossed his face and made his eyes narrow with suspicion. “Nothing?”

“You heard what I said. I want nothing to do with the girl. I just don’t want her out there causing problems that I have to go behind and clean up.”

If she did anything out of line, I’d have to step in and intervene. And I really didn’t want to do that. It was already irritating enough that I was sexually attracted to the girl. Being around her would create more problems than solutions.

Daiman raised an eyebrow and folded his arms over his chest. “So you expect me to babysit the girl?”

I scoffed and shook my head. I placed my palms on the counter and leaned forward, glaring at the stubborn incubus demon. “I killed the girl, and she came back to life. If she behaves, then I’ll let her be. It looks like no one knows about this, given that you would have told me already. Maybe she made a deal with someone while in Hell. It’s none of my business, and I don’t give a fuck, but as soon as she steps out of line, that is when I become involved. That’s why I want you to watch her. The minute she reveals she isn’t human, that’s where you come in and put an end to it. Kill her for all I fucking care.”

I had too much going on for me to watch her. Lucifer still required a virgin bride to get him through until the next sacrifice in a few months. It took time to find the perfect girl, and I had to be sure she was a virgin—otherwise, it was my head.

Daiman shrugged a shoulder. “Whatever you say, Loosh.”

I glared at him for cutting my name down like that.

“Don’t think I didn’t see how you looked at her, though,” Daiman continued. “I wouldn’t say you don’t care about her, given the fact that you’re hard right now after looking at her pictures.”

I glanced down, noticing the hard outline of my dick through the gray sweats I wore.

“Fuck,” I whispered.

Daiman chuckled and turned to leave. “I’ll keep you updated.”

He left the kitchen, his heavy footsteps echoing until he reached the front door. Once it closed, I exhaled and looked at my throbbing cock from the outside of my sweats. There was no fucking way I was entertaining the idea that I would touch Grace. She was a kid, and I was an old demon who’d been around since the dawn of time.

Groaning, I returned to my drink and downed the rest in one gulp.



The first warning bell rang. I had five minutes to get to class before I was late. Dad had scolded me all the way here. That time with him was miserable, not only because he wanted to tell me what a “bad girl” I’d been, but also because I was starving.

But another need surpassed the hunger. My mind chanted,Dick, dick, dick, I need dick. Sweet god, I needed to get plowed so fucking bad. But why? And why did that need overpower the gnawing hunger?

I doubled over with excruciating hunger pangs, wrapping my arms around my middle. I stood at the entrance, where everyone could watch me as I groaned from the pain. Sweat dripped down my forehead, and it felt as if bugs were crawling over my skin. I counted in my head and whimpered as another wave of pain rocked through me, but I breathed through it. Eventually, it subsided, and I straightened.

A couple of students glanced at me as they walked to their first class. One of them was Owen, who was known for bullying the girls. I shot him a nasty look, daring him to try something. He rolled his eyes and kept walking.

“Yeah, you better,” I muttered under my breath.

I rushed toward my locker in another hallway. I needed to gather my stuff for class, but I had a feeling I would be late.

Sister Theresa will be angry with me.

“Don’t care,”the scratchy feminine voice whispered in my head.

I was probably hallucinating. That was all. Maybe it was withdrawal from my medicine. I tried taking my meds this morning and ended up vomiting.

My head spun, and my skin continued to crawl as I approached my locker and twisted the dial to unlock it. Once it was open, I grabbed my student Bible and a notebook. I smiled at the pink Valentine cards I’d taped inside the door. Sebastian had given them to me during the three years we were dating. A photo booth picture of us hung in the corner. Memories of spending every day together during the summer came to mind. Last year, we went to the closest city and spent the whole day and evening at a fair. It was the most magical and romantic time of my life.

A hand slipped around my waist and tucked me against a body. I yelped and spun in their hold.

“Sebastian,” I breathed, and my hand went to my chest.

“Why haven’t you responded to my texts and calls?” he asked with visible hurt on his face.

I averted my gaze, feeling guilty that I was about to lie to him.
