Page 31 of Satan's Priest

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Sebastian pinned me against his car and caged me in with his arms. I looked at his face, wincing at the frustration I saw there.

“Tell me what I need to do to get my girlfriend back.”

My eyes widened. “What?”

“You have been avoiding me all day, and I think I did or said something that upset you, which never happens. If it’s about sex, bunny, I’ll try whatever you want.”

My pussy clenched, my clit throbbing and daring me to stick my hand beneath my skirt to flick the swollen nub until I came. I fluttered my eyelashes to stop my head from spinning and becoming fuzzy. Something in me wanted to strip his clothes and fuck him until he couldn’t come anymore.

“Say something, please,” Sebastian begged.

“I want to fuck you,” I whispered as I leaned in and brushed my lips against his.

Sebastian’s breath hitched, and his eyes widened.

I knew why he reacted that way. He always made the first move. I’d never outwardly said anything dirty like that. He didn’t talk dirty, either.

Layla had been right. Sebastian was so vanilla that he made Father Thomas look like the kinkiest fucker in all the town. I almost said yes when she’d asked if I wanted a man to be rough with me. Sebastian didn’t give me that kind of treatment, and right now I needed it like the air I needed to breathe.

A misty rain began to fall—not enough to soak our clothes, but enough to annoy me. Sebastian leaned back. My front teeth caught his bottom lip and released it with a pop. Scrunching his eyebrows together, he looked me over with confusion and met my gaze again.

“What happened over the weekend?” he asked softly.

I smiled. “Don’t change the subject, Bastian.”

A truck rumbled past us, and the guy in the passenger seat howled at us and made kissing noises. I glared at them, watching as they drove away. Turning back to my boyfriend, I waited for him to agree to fuck me.

He sighed, defeat written all over his face. “Meet me at my place tonight.”

“I’m grounded, though.”

“Then sneak out. I’m not going over there.” Sebastian feared my dad and tried to keep his visitation as minimal as possible. My dad wasn’t a fan of him either.

“Fine. What time?” I asked.

He stepped away from me and dug his keys out of his pocket. “Midnight.”

I grinned. “Then I’ll see you later. Unlock the door after your parents go to bed.”

They went to bed at eight o’clock on the dot every night. I didn’t understand why people went to bed so early like that as they got older, like they were the carriage that might turn back into the pumpkin by midnight.

Maybe I’ll find out one day when I get older.

Sebastian returned my smile with a weak one. “Give Slinky some scratches from me.”

“Yeah,” I whispered and got out of his way as he unlocked his Toyota Corolla and slipped into the driver’s seat.

He didn’t kiss me goodbye or give me a hug. I shouldn’t have been upset, because if he held me or kissed me, I would have tackled him to the ground and had my way with him. But he was the one acting weird now.

It’s just your paranoia, Grace. He still loves you.

I watched as he pulled out of his spot and drove away. Sighing, I returned to the front of the school and sat on the steps, hugging myself to keep warm in the cold. If I had allowed Sebastian to drive me home, Dad would have thrown a fit for sure. He probably would have punished me by removing my bedroom door so I had no privacy. Actually, if Dad knew what I planned to do with my boyfriend, he’d probably keep the door on its hinges and reinforce it with a deadbolt on the outside. If Sebastian knew what I had planned, he might not have invited me over at all.



At eleven thirty, I snuck out of the house. The great thing about living in a small town was that it didn’t take long to get where you needed to go on foot. My parents and sister had already been asleep for a couple of hours. I walked to Sebastian’s house and crept inside. The unlocked front door brought a smile to my face.
