Page 34 of Satan's Priest

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“Bastian?” I whispered, finally realizing what had happened and what I’d done.

I scrambled off him. His soft dick slipped out of me, and his warm cum dripped down my thighs. I stood beside the bed and stared at him with wide eyes filling with tears.

“Sebastian?” I whispered again, hoping for a response from him.

He stared up at the ceiling, his chest barely rising and falling.

I turned to his bedroom door, staring at it as I debated whether to leave or stay here with him. I didn’t want to get into any trouble. How would I explain that I fucked him, and he was dying because of it? I didn’t realize rough sex would suck the life out of him.

Trembling, I looked back at Sebastian, who wheezed as he breathed. I glanced around the room, then spotted his cell phone on his desk. I snatched it into my hands and dialed 911. It felt like forever before someone picked up.

“I need help!”

“Do you need fire, police, or EMS?” the operator said from the other line, keeping her voice neutral.

“My boyfriend . . . he’s . . . he’s having trouble breathing. I think he’s dying.” A tear slipped down my cheek as I stared at Sebastian.

“What’s the address of your emergency?”

I blurted out the address, stumbling over my words.

The operator stayed on the phone with me, asking for more details about what happened. I was too embarrassed to tell her, but I finally broke when she persisted. When I said we were having sex, she went quiet, and I bit my lip, paranoid she was judging me or even telling the police to take me into custody.

I dressed before the ambulance arrived, but I didn’t want to move Sebastian, so he was still nude. He resembled a skeleton. I led the paramedics inside the house and to Sebastian. They assessed him and tried to get him to talk, but when he didn’t, they gathered him onto the gurney and wheeled him out.

A police officer pulled me to the side, questioning me about everything that had happened. I recounted the evening to him, stumbling over my words and worrying he would put me into handcuffs because of how nervous I seemed. It was something that constantly worried me. That one day I’d talk to the police about something, and they would assume I was on drugs because of my disorganized speech.

I left out the details of “feeding” from Sebastian’s cum and energy. The police officer would for sure put me in handcuffs and take me to the closest psych ward if I disclosed that bit of information. I’d been there and done that, and I definitely didn’t want to go back there anytime soon.

At the end of the explanation, the officer thanked me and walked away to wake up Sebastian’s dad to talk to him too.

I stood outside, shivering and watching as the ambulance drove off with the lights and sirens on.

All the while, his dad still slept, and I now had to wake him up and tell him what happened.

Crap, crap, crap.That meant his dad would know we were sexually active, and he’d tell my parents. I could just see my dad’s face turning bright red once he knew I wasn’t a virgin anymore.

The hair on the back of my neck stood, and I turned, facing away from the ambulance as it drove away. Five houses down, a shadowy figure stood by the trees lining the street. The broad shoulders and height—the figure had to have been over six feet tall—most likely meant the figure was male.

Maybe he woke up and came out to see what the commotion was about.

But the tingling sensation on my face made me think he wasn’t watching the police as they prepared to leave. No, he was watchingme.



Jesus fucking Christ. I didn’t know if what I had just watched was the hottest or scariest thing I’d ever seen. It took a lot to make a demon like myself go wide-eyed and wince, but that night I did both.

She was a goddamn succubus. There was no way she wasn’t.

I wasn’t sure how she became one, as they were only created by demons mating. From what I gathered about her family, they were as human as they could get. What demon would worship God? I didn’t know of one.

There was also the possibility that her mother encountered an incubus, since an incubus could impregnate a human woman. That was something I would need to look further into, but for right now, I was at a loss.

I had watched the whole ordeal between Grace and the boy from the shadows in his bedroom. Demons couldn’t enter a home without being invited—much like vampires—but we demons were good at finding loopholes if we really wanted to get inside someone’s home. Such as a welcome mat outside the front door. It was an invitation for anything supernatural to enter the home. It was stupid on the human’s part, but most mortals were brainless, after all.

Seeing Grace buck naked and riding the human male’s small cock made mymuchlarger one fill with blood. And fuck me. Watching her choke the shit out of him nearly made me come in my pants.
