Page 47 of Satan's Priest

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“I kind of need my phone for emergencies,” I said.

“Cheese and rice, girl!” Dad blurted and went red in the face. He slammed his mug on the counter behind him, and some hot coffee splashed over the rim. “If an emergency happens, you can use the phone at school. Why do you need your cell phone so damn bad, hmm?”

My eyes widened and I froze, unable to look away from Dad’s rage explosion.

Mom came into the kitchen, her eyes bouncing between us. She immediately stood by Dad’s side, crossing her arms over her chest while glaring at me. She wasn’t any better than him. I guess this was the side of her that I was getting today.

“I just—”

“You want to text yourboyfriend? Send inappropriate pictures to him?” Dad continued.

I swallowed hard, and my mouth became dry. “N-no.”

“You didn’t think I wouldn’t go through your phone, did you?” Dad shook his head and folded his arms over his chest while he glared at me. A vein throbbed in his forehead. “Did you let him put his hand in your honey pot?”

I shook my head. “No!”

“I should take you over my knee right now, but you need to go to school in a few minutes.” Dad’s potbelly sucked in and out as he breathed. “I promise you’ll be punished when you get home.”

“I didn’t have sex with him!” I argued.

Mom let out a sarcastic laugh and rolled her eyes. “You think we’re stupid?”

I shook my head, my heart pounding painfully against my chest.

“Yeah, you do. Don’t you lie to us, girl.” Dad stormed across the room. I jerked back in my seat, preparing to get up and bolt. “Sit your ass down.”

Tears formed in my eyes, and I gripped the table’s edge, watching as Dad leaned against it across from me.

“I know you let the boy touch you. You better pray that I find you’re a virgin,” Dad snarled.

What the fuck does he mean by that?

Everything around me warped as my reality slipped. The walls began breathing, and it felt like the ground was sucking me into it.

My parents knew you shouldn’t yell at someone with schizophrenia. It made them feel unsafe and triggered symptoms. Since I couldn’t take my medicine anymore, I’d been having an overwhelming amount of symptoms.

“I-I am a virgin,” I whispered as another tear slipped.

A muscle popped in Dad’s jaw, and he watched me with hard eyes. I couldn’t look at them for long because I feared he’d reach over the table and grab me by the hair.

“Yeah, we’ll see when you get home,” he said. “Now get out of here. You’re walking.”

I shot out of my seat. My knee bumped into the table and knocked my spoon out of my cereal bowl. I turned to grab the dish, but when I caught Dad glaring at me with his teeth bared, I bolted out of the kitchen.

“Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out!” Mom called behind me.

I grabbed my bag with all my school supplies and ran into Christy as I came down the stairs. She shot me a nasty look. I opened the front door and shut it behind me as I stepped into the foggy morning. Mist drizzled over me as a shaky cry slipped past my lips. I struggled to remain upright on my trembling legs.

I hated this. I hated my life and my family.

* * *

Everything was too loud as I walked through the school’s hallway toward Sebastian’s locker. I still hadn’t recovered from being yelled at this morning. The walls still breathed, and everyone in school sounded like they were screaming into my ears. Sweat beaded on my forehead and upper lip.

I whispered to myself, repeating my thoughts and telling myself it would pass. It earned me a few glances from a group of girls. They gave me weird looks, rolled their eyes, and laughed.

I averted my gaze, staring ahead and avoiding looking at anyone for too long.
