Page 59 of Satan's Priest

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He clearly didn’t want any answers. Nothing I said would be good enough. But I still wanted to earn him back. Screw what Lucien and Daiman said. Sebastian was mine, and I couldn’t just give him up.

“You changed after being friends with Layla—and by the way, where is yourbestie? But you also changed after going to that concert I warned you about. You pulled away from me, and what happened . . .” His voice cracked, and his eyes shuttered, blocking me from seeing what he felt deep in his soul.

My stomach knotted, and I took a single step back.

Sebastian watched me, waiting for me to say something. When I didn’t, he scoffed. “Of course you have nothing to say for yourself. You know what you did, and you don’t care.”

He turned and walked down the hallway toward his first class. I rushed to catch up to him, then grabbed his arm.

“Don’t fucking touch me!” he bellowed and jerked his arm to release my hold.

I backed away, my pulse thundering in my ears. “I’m so sorry,” I whispered again. “I can . . . I can explain. Just please, give me a chance.”

Sebastian shook his head and scowled at me. “I’m done giving you chances, Grace. Ever since you became friends with Layla, you’ve grown distant from me. I’m done with you.”

I rapidly shook my head and reached out for him, stopping when he bared his teeth and jerked back so I couldn’t touch him. “Let me explain,please. I’ll tell you everything.”

I couldn’t believe I wanted to risk everything by telling him the truth. I looked around us. Everyone in the hallway watched us as we fought. Swallowing hard, I looked back at Sebastian.

“Then tell me now,” Sebastian demanded.

“I can’t. Not here. Can we go somewhere more private?” I pleaded.

Sebastian rolled his eyes and shook his head.

“Please,” I whimpered.

“Meet me at the bleachers on the football field during lunch. I’ll give you five minutes to explain.” He walked past me. “It better be good.”



Idreaded going to my next class because it was the one Lucien taught. I was unsure how he landed a job here toward the end of the academic year, but I suspected he’d used magic or, as he called it, glamor. After masturbating while thinking about him, I didn’t want to face Lucien. I worried he’d read my thoughts and discover I’d fantasized about him during my orgasm.

My heart stopped beating and then picked up.

What if he can hear my thoughts?

I clenched my teeth and pictured a mental barrier strong enough to prevent others from hearing the words rattling through my mind.

My stomach growled, and pain shot through me. Daiman’s warning popped into my head. He said I had two days before my demon came out to feed.

I passed an office on my way to class. A brick wall of sexual energy pushed through the closed door and slammed into me. My knees shook and I missed a step, nearly tumbling forward.

Oh god, it smells so good.

My mouth watered, and I looked at the door. It was Father Thomas’s office.

What was he doing in there?

Shaking my head, I stormed away, not wanting to linger and risk barging into the room to feed. I walked into the classroom. Lucien was already leaning against his desk, his hands hidden in his pockets. Our gazes collided, and I ducked my head, heading straight for my seat in the back.

“Miss Davis, please take a seat in the front,” Lucien drawled.

I stopped in the middle of the aisle between desks. Everyone in the room looked at me, confused about why the priest would want me in the front. More often than not, students were made to sit at the head of the class when they were in trouble.

I turned around. Lucien watched me with an expression that said he wouldn’t take no for an answer. Not wanting to argue in the middle of the classroom, I slipped into the only available desk and dropped my study Bible onto the table.
