Page 60 of Satan's Priest

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“What’d you do, Grace? Suck another stranger’s penis?” Kayla whispered behind me.

Oh, great. Brad told the school what I did during the Halloween party. That meant Sebastian would find out if he didn’t already know. My cheeks heated with a blush, and I curled my fingers into my skirt over my lap.

Sierra leaned in from my right and whispered, “Are you going to go down on Father Lucien so you don’t go to Father Thomas’s office?”

I clenched my jaw and stared straight ahead, not wanting to look at anyone, especially at Lucien, who was watching with a bored expression.

The final bell rang, and the room quieted.

Lucien glanced at everyone but me. “Today’s lesson is about lust,” he began.

I drowned him out as he talked about having sexual urges and how human men reworded the Bible (again) and misconstrued God’s words about abstinence before marriage. I didn’t want to hear what he had to say about God and the Bible. He was wrong. He only said these things because he was a demon and hated God so much that he had to tell lies to pull us away from him. It was all a test.

You’re a demon, too.

But I could be better. I could change somehow. Maybe find a way to be human again.

“And that brings me back to yesterday’s discussion about demons. We all know what an incubus is, yes?” Lucien asked, snapping me out of my spiraling thoughts.

No one answered him, and I glanced at my peers. Eric scribbled on a piece of paper, intently listening to Lucien and jotting down notes. Sierra popped a bubble in her gum, her eyes glazed over with lust as she stared at Lucien.

Now that I’d heard her loudly chewing on her gum, that was all I could hear. I ground my teeth together, glaring at Sierra as she popped another bubble, then chomped on the wad in her mouth. Feeling my stare, she turned her head.

She shot me a nasty look and mouthed,“Stop staring at me, creep.”

Fury rushed through my veins like electricity begging to be freed. My gums ached, and I did everything possible to stop the oncoming change. I dug my fingers into my skirt, holding onto it like a lifeline that prevented me from slaughtering the whole classroom.

I’m not a killer. I’m not a killer. I’m not a killer.

I stared at my lap, mouthing my thoughts but never voicing them.

“I would hope you all know what an incubus is . . .”

Lucien’s voice brought me out of my thoughts, and I focused on him instead of Sierra’s incessant smacking.

“But if you don’t, an incubus is a demon who visits you in your dreams, luring you in with sexual desire and promises of everything you could ever dream of. When you succumb to an incubus and allow him to have sex with you, it creates a bond between you and him. He can and will become territorial over you. He considers you as his andonlyhis. The feelings are often reciprocated to a point where you can’t stand other people. That’s one of the drawbacks to having a relationship with an incubus demon.”

Someone raised their hand, and Lucien cocked his head.

“Can you become possessed by one?” Mark asked.

Lucien’s eyebrow quirked, but he smoothed out his face. “No, but incubus demons visit you in your sleep. While awake, they hide in the shadows, always watching you. A human can feel the strain in their bond with the demon when they’re apart. That’s why you hear about women acting out of character and even becoming violent with others. They want their lover, who the incubus demon disguised themselves as.”

Lucien turned his gaze to me, staring right into my eyes as he continued talking.

“Incubus demons will disguise themselves as someone you already know or as a person you would want in a relationship. That’s when they trick you into thinking you’re bonding with someone you believe is too good to be true. Once you bond to them, they’ll show their true selves.”

The bell rang, startling me.

The corner of Lucien’s lips curled into a smirk, disappearing as fast as it came. I got up, gathered my belongings, and headed straight to the door.

Please don’t say my name. Please don’t say my name.

I passed Lucien, holding my breath. His hand shot out and grabbed my wrist, yanking me back toward him.

“A word, Miss Davis,” he murmured.

I closed my eyes briefly before turning to him. Lucien looked past me, watching the last student leave the room. I didn’t want to be in there with him. Not when I was starving like that.
