Page 102 of Carrying Your Lies

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“There’s nothing you can give me. You’re married, and I won’t be the side piece anymore. I had to look Emery in the eyes and be her friend and confidant while I was screwing you on the side. I was the one who told her you’d never cheat, and it wasmethat turned you into one. That isn’t the life I want to live.”

I hoped to hold onto this card a little longer, but it’s the only way to assuage her guilt. I take out my phone and load up the cropped footage from a few days ago when Emery traded my affair for a necklace.

Savannah watches in confusion and then…disgust.“She wants the necklace in exchange for a divorce?”

“I guess so. That is how little this marriage means to her. She wants this baby. Nothing else.”

Her guards are down, but she’s still hesitating. “You’d still be married.”

I was afraid it would come to this. Divorce was never an option. A divorce would put me under scrutiny. I don’t need anyone asking questions about why my marriage fell apart. It would be hard to control Emery outside of this home.

But if I must go through this, then I will.

Only for her.

“What about Ray? Have you ended things with him?”

She can’t look me in the eyes. I gave her the bullet and even loaded the gun. All she had to do was pull the trigger. But he got under her skin before she could.

“The day you file and tell Emery, I’ll end things with him.”

I offer my hand. “We have an agreement.”

She slides her hand in mine. “I believe we do, Mr Rivers.”

I’ve never hated anyone as much as I hate the doctor who has all of Savannah’s attention. It’s been fivewholedays since our agreement, and she hasn’t given me an ounce of her attention. She no longer avoids me but doesn’t talk to me either. But right now, she laughs at whatever he says while he finishes her physical examination.

The sonographer patiently waits as Savannah lays on the table. “Are we looking to find out the gender today?”

Emery is practically hopping around the room in excitement. “No. We want to keep it a surprise.” She wraps her arm around my waist, but I make no move to return the gesture.

Both women gasp as the heartbeat comes through the speakers. I don’t care about it. If Savannah is healthy, the baby could fall out tomorrow, and it would make no difference to me.

In fact, the earlier this baby comes out, the better. It’s my bargaining chip with Emery. The baby to herself, and in return, I have her silence. We divorce amicably and go our separate,silentways.

When the appointment wraps up, I give Savannah my copy of the scan as I have done the last two times. She gives me a grateful smile and slides it into her bag.

“How about the three of us go for some lunch? I’m sure you have some time to spare.”

“I have work,” I grunt.

Savannah looks relieved at my rejection. “And Hux is waiting for me.”

Emery raises her eyebrow as she eyes us. “You fucked each other. The least you owe me is a lunch after our wonderful morning.”

When Savannah gives in, I follow the women to the local diner, refusing to leave them alone. Awkwardness descends on the table. Savannah looks everywhere but at us while Emery fixates on her.

Her focus snaps to me. “Does anyone have any ideas for names? I like Theo for a boy.”

Savannah realises this for what it is — a power play —and rolls her eyes. “It’s not my baby. The name is your choice.”

Emery grabs her hand over the table. “Don’t be silly! The baby isinsideyou, and now that my husband knows what that feels like, I’m sure you’ll be around for the rest of our lives. You’re step-mummy.”

I lean my elbows on the table, clasping my hands together. I rest my chin on my hands as I watch this takedown.

Savannah snatches her hands out from under Emery’s. “Don’tevertalk to me like that again. I fucked up, but I apologised. You might want to find it in you to forgive. It seems you’re forgetting you cheatedmultipletimes just to get his attention. And don’t forget thatIam the one who has the power. Not only in your marriage but your life. As you said, the baby is inside me. If you push me over the edge, I might forget that I’m pregnant and decide to knock back a few shots.”

Emery recoils her hands and looks at me. I silently shrug at her. “How about Elijah? After your daddy, Xavier?”

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