Page 123 of Carrying Your Lies

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I shrug, trying to ease her apprehension. Right now, I need her back in my eyeline. “We’ll find a daycare or a nanny.”

The excitement lasts only a moment before it falls away. She shakes her head. “No. I can’t. She needs me more than I need to return to the norm.”

I clench my fist behind my back. This back-and-forth with her is getting exhausting. I’m giving her what she asks,yetshe’s still arguing with me.

“What if you met somewhere in the middle?” The idea of a baby in the office doesn’t please me in the slightest, but anything to get her back in my eyeline. “Bring Elise to work.”

She scoffs at the idea. “Hux will never agree to having a baby around.”

I take her hand in mine and kiss the back. “Leave that with me.”

She tries to hide her excitement but fails. “I promise she’ll still be a priority. I won’t miss a feed or nappy change,andI’ll be home at a decent time.”

The happiness on her face is worth every sacrifice I’m going to make for her. I can’t stop myself when I cup her face and bring it closer to mine. “I’ll give you anything you ask for, Savannah Hayes. Just ask.”

Her lips part, fanning her breath over my skin. Her eyes meet mine and pull me under her spell. We can’t look away from each other. Her eyes dart down to my lips as her tongue dampens her bottom one. She leans in ever so slightly until her lip brushes against mine.

I want to pull her close to me until nothing separates us. But my rational part knows it’s too soon for us to make that move.

“Savannah.” My voice is hoarse with desire.

She presses her lips with slight pressure, only for a moment, but enough to have me craving more. Her gynaecologist gave her the go-ahead four weeks ago, but neither of us has made the move or discussed it.

It hasn’t stopped me from relieving myself when watching her shower through the cameras.

She completely pulls back, effectively bursting the bubble. “Let me show you what we got for you.” She runs down the stairs to collect my gift.

I use the time to admire the perfection I made and Savannah brought to life. Elise has a pretty flush to her round cheeks. Her lips are pulled into a pout as she sleeps peacefully.

“Here,” Savannah says as she hands me a small plastic bag. “Ellie chose it.”

I offer a small smile at the ridiculous statement. I pull out a navy blue baseball cap. On the front, in white capital letters, readsNUMBER 1 DAD. I can’t look away from the headwear as reality hits that I’m a father. It’s an odd feeling staring at the word. It reminds me that my own is gone and never got to see me raise a child like he raised me.

Would my father be disappointed in me? My attention has been solely on Savannah. My father never put anyone above me, including his wife.

I look at my daughter and promise to protect her the same way my father protected me.

Nobody will ever hurt you.

“Are you crying?” Savannah sounds surprised.

I clear my throat and blink my tears away. “No. Thank you.”

Her arms wrap around my waist, and she rests her head on my chest. “You’re welcome. We love you, Xavier.”

I wrap my arms around her tight. “My love for you two knows no bounds. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to have you both.”

“I know,” she whispers.

We let ourselves have this moment of peace before another problem comes and takes it away.

She pulls away sooner than I wanted. “Why don’t you join us tonight? No funny business,” she grins.

“I wouldn’t dream of it. Let me put the pushchair away while you get ready for bed.”

She nods at me and disappears into the bathroom.

I remove the baby bag and rubbish stuffed into the bottom carrier. I fold it down and place it carefully into the storage cupboard. Standing at the bottom of the stairs, I feel conflicted, but the thought of leaving the mess behind is too much for me to bear. I empty the bag and work quickly to wash and sterilise everything.
