Page 125 of Carrying Your Lies

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He scrunches his face in disgust. “How can something so potent come out of someone so tiny?”

I laugh. “Well, let me take her off your hands for a while. Give you a chance to work in peace. I’ll drop her back before my meeting.”

“Are you sure? She’s no trouble.”

I grab the baby bag and sling it over my shoulder. “We leave at five.”

Her eyes flicker over to Ray. “Okay.”

“It’s a great deal, Mr Roberts. You know it, too.”

When you’ve been in the business as long as I have, you know when someone isn’t convinced, and this man needs a little more convincing. “It’s out of our budget, Mr Rivers. I’m sorry.”

“I’ll throw the security cameras in as a goodwill gesture.”

The older man looks at me. He looks past retirement. The thin skin around his eyes is coveted with wrinkles that suit his grey hair. “I was surprised when you came with this offer personally. Why does my business mean so much to you?”

I unclasp my hands and lay them flat on the table. Body language experts say it makes you appear open, honest, and trustworthy. “Organisations like yours helped my late wife. She spoke highly about the work the likes of you have done. I want to help you protect yourself while you protect others. That’s why I am handling this myself. It’s why I am willing to give you the best deal.” I point at the contract. “I’m making next to nothing in profits at that rate. Any profit I make from this deal will be donated to charity.”

He looks surprised at my statement, but it works because he nods. He pulls his pen out and signs on the dotted line. “I look forward to doing business with you, Mr Rivers.”

I shake his hand. “Likewise, Mr Roberts. I’ll visit the sight to assess how much equipment you require.” I hold the conference door open for him. “My PA, Francesca, will see you out. Until next time.” I wait until he disappears into the lifts before heading back to my office to finish up for the day.

The ride home feels lonely with Savannah in the back with the baby. All her attention is on Elise, and I despise that I am envious of my own daughter.

When we get indoors, Savannah is quick to give her a bath and cuddle with her on the rocking chair until she falls asleep.

I lean against the door frame. “You were phenomenal today. Workanda baby? A real rockstar.”

Pride radiates off her. “Thank you for helping out.”

I walk into the room and sit on the floor in front of her. “You don’t need to thank me for looking after my daughter.”

“I know, but it meant I could complete everything I needed to.”

I stroke her knee. “Things seem to be better with Ray.” I don’t like that they seem to be back to normal. But when Savannah’s scoff accompanies her classic eye roll, I note I had nothing to be worried about.


Putting on my best sympathetic smile, I say, “Give it some time. I’m sure it will get better.”

She leans her head against the rocking chair. “I don’t think so.” Her gaze trails off to the wall past me as she loses herself in her thoughts.

“Do you want to walk away?”

My question causes her shoulders to stiffen. “Why are you asking that?”

“Because I’m giving you a chance to walk away from the board before this.”

I undo the red ribbon and open the first box. The small amounts of light in the room reflect off the diamond.

Savannah gasps. “What…”

“One day, this ring will sit on your finger, but for now, it can rest near your heart because you’ve invaded mine. From the moment our eyes met, I fought my feelings for you. But I don’t want to do that anymore. I don’t want to hide from you. I want you to have all parts of me… until death do us part.”

Tears brim in her eyes as she stares at the diamond. “Xavier…”

Taking her free hand in mine, I place the ring in it before forcing her fist shut. “There are no rules in love. We can’t force it, the same way we can’t stop it. This is more than a token or symbol. It’s a promise that me and you are forever.”
