Page 126 of Carrying Your Lies

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Her chest rises and falls heavily. The soft orange light embellishes how heavenly Savannah is. She opens her mouth to say something, but silence settles between us.

I open the second box and hold up an identical necklace.

“I thought love was universal,” I begin. “I could never comprehend loving two people equally. Until you and Elise. Two completely different loves, but both bone-achingly pure. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you two. I thought I had it all when XR Securities made its first million. Then I thought it was when I bought this house. But I was wrong. Because I would tradeeverythingfor you two.”

Savannah forces out a laugh through her tears. “Three months old, and she already owns a diamond.”

If only I could tell Savannah I am simply returning something owed – something Iborrowed.Elise is the rightful owner of this diamond.

Because as Savannah said, the day she named her, Elise will carry parts of Emery with her.





Motherhoodisthehardestthing I have done. Babies require constant attention even when you want to hide under the covers and sleep for eternity. I haven’t slept, eaten or showered in peace in four months. Exhausted is an understatement. Xavier has been some help, but my unhealthy attachment to her has prevented him from relieving the pressure off me.

Except for now, when I needed to get through the rest of my list before Huxley returns to the office. He may not be on speaking terms with me, but he doesn’t hesitate to scold me like a schoolgirl when I fail to get something done for him.

I know I hurt him when I ended things, but how could he hate me so much? Or perhaps I never meant anything at all. Since returning a month ago, I have begged for five minutes to explain. Every attempt has failed – he either walks away or ignores me.

Another chance arrives as he walks into the office. He spares me one glance before walking to his desk. He unlocks his drawer to check his personal phone. “Did you complete everything?” he asks without looking up.

I nod before realising he can’t see me. “Yes,” I say, finding my voice. “Hux—“

“Don’t.” His voice is cold and detached.

I walk over to his desk. “Pleasejust give me two minutes. You don’t even have to speak; just listen. If you let me explain—“

“No.” He stares up at me. Any doubts about his feelings fade away because the hurt radiates off him. “Youdidn’t give me a chance. Youran.”

I blink back my tears. “You don’t understand.”

He looks at his laptop. “I don’t care to.”

“You said you loved me.”

His fingers come to a halt. He stares at his screen. “And you didn’t want it. I won’t chase you. I won’t beg for you.”

My chest tightens the longer I watch him. The right words fail to leave my mouth. I jump when he slams his laptop closed.

His voice is laced with anger. “I was ready to give it all up, Savannah. For you.Onlyyou. But it wasn’t enough. I went against everything I believed in andtrustedyou. I gave you a part of me I didn’t know existed. And what did you do?”

I broke your heart. But I broke mine too.

“You’re hurt, I know—“

His cold chuckle cuts off whatever I was about to say. “Hurt?You think I’mhurt?“ He looks at me in disbelief. My favourite amber eyes turn to a thunderous stormy shade. “I’m angry. I’m confused. I’mheartbroken, Savannah! You took my heart and smashed it to smithereens!”

I look behind me to see if his yells have attracted any onlookers, particularly Xavier. When nobody comes rushing, I face his fury again.

“I needed to let you go before I did more damage.”

His claps are loud but slow. “Congratulations. You did your damage, but what else should I have expected when I knew I was lying in the snake’s den. It was only a matter of time before you left me with nothing but poison.” With one last look of disappointment, he takes his seat and reopens his laptop.

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