Page 135 of Carrying Your Lies

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The entire way there, I wonder what this could be about. It must be about their meeting with the lawyer. When Xavier abruptly asked for a divorce, I was shocked. I didn’t think he would follow through with it, but he did – forme. He really wants a future with me. I wish it wasn’t at the cost of the family Emery craves, but this will be good for everyone – even the baby. At the thought, I rub my belly.

Emery wouldn’t kill me while I was carrying her baby.

When I enter the bakery, I spot Emery sitting in a booth that hides her from the world. I walk over to her and slide in opposite her.

She doesn’t look at me with hatred. She doesn’t even look angry. She looks… scared?

“We don’t have much time.”

“For what?”

She takes my hand in hers. “I need you to promise me that, no matter what, you’ll take care of my baby. You will protect them.”

My eyebrows pull together. “Where are you going?”

Her eyes dart around the bakery. She leans in closer. “He’s going to kill me.”

My blood turns to ice as I realise she isn’t joking. She really believes what she’s saying.

Xavier was right.She is crazy.

I pull my hands out of hers. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

“It might not be today or tomorrow, but he will because that’s what he does.”

“Why would he kill you?”

“Because Xavier doesn’t believe in divorce. He gave me full custody.”

My heart aches for Xavier. Being a father has been his dream, but he’s forced to give it up for her.

I can’t help but look at her in disgust. “Why would you do that to him?”

She shakes her head. “I didn’t do anything. He forfeited, and we both know Xavier doesn’t ever accept defeat. Not unless he knew the loss was temporary.Thisis what he does. When someone stands in his way, they vanish.”

Normally, I would storm out of the booth, but the fear on her face keeps me in place. Her eyes dart around us as if she can sense someone watching. Maybe it’s the fear she’s radiating or my suspicions surrounding Elliot that make me question if she’s telling the truth, but I can get myself to walk away.

“Why are you telling me? Why don’t you go to the police?”

She looks at me like I’m an idiot. “They can’t protect me from him. Nobody can. But I need you to promise that you’ll look after my baby. Promise that they’ll know my name and who I am. Promise that you won’t let Xavier corrupt them. Promise that you’ll stay with them. Promise that they’ll feel a mother’s love. Promise that you’ll protect them.” Her voice cracks at the end as a few tears escape and cascade down her cheeks.

There’s a tightening in my chest. “Nothing is going to happen to you.”

She wipes under her eyes and clears her throat. “Promise me, Savannah.”


“I waited my whole life to hold my baby in my arms. I waited for the family I never got. When you got pregnant, I knew it was God’s promise of the happily ever after I was owed. I didn’t care that I was in a loveless marriage because my baby was the only thing I needed to love.” Her body shakes as she cries. “And now I’ll never get to have it. But this baby deserves to know good, and you’re good, Savannah. So, promise me.”

I cradle my bump. “Of course, I promise. But nothing is going to happen to you,” I reassure.

She ignores the last part. “Tell my baby all about me. The good and the bad. I want them to know I wasn’t perfect. I don’t want them to strive for perfection but for happiness.”


“Thank you for carrying my baby. Thank you for making that sacrifice for me. I know you’ve had to give up so much, and for that, I’m sorry.”

If I felt guilty before, there is no word to describe what I feel right now. I betrayed her trust, yet she’s apologising to me.
