Page 19 of Carrying Your Lies

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“I need to go,” I whisper.

I know I’ll do something stupid if I don’t get out of here. It’s been five months since I’ve had a real person to satisfy me. After the teasing Huxley did, I am tempted to climb over the console and ride Xavier in his car, parked on the street.

His voice is tight as he asks, “Why? We’re just talking.”

Does he not feel what I do? Is this one-sided?

I look down. “After five months of being alone, I don’t want to talk.” I clear my throat and offer a small smile. “I don’t expect you to understand. The contract doesn’t stop you from having a wild night.” I don’t mean for it to appear snappy, but it does anyway. They don’t have to give up anything during this process,andthey get the baby at the end. I know it’s what I signed up for, but it’s still unfair.

“Twenty months,” he says as I open the door.

I look over my shoulder. “What?”

“Twenty months of being alone. It’s not only a contract that stops you from having a wild night.”

I don’t know if he’s trying to justify the mistake we would be making or if he wants me to understand why he’s looking at me like he wants to tear my clothes off. Either way, I step out of the car.

“Go home to your wife, Xavier.”

“I’m a good man. Even if it makes me an unhappy one. You’re bound by your contract, but so am I.”

I can’t help but ask, “And if you weren’t?”

He looks at me as if I’m the only thing that deserves his attention. “I’d be a gentleman and walk you to your front door. And after that… I’d take you to your bed and show you just how much of a gentle man I am not.”

“Goodnight, Xavier.” I close the door and walk away before I ask him to show me what he means.


“Anotherappointment?”Huxleyasksas I walk into his office. He doesn’t offer the courtesy to look at me while he speaks. His eyes stay glued to the laptop before him.

“Aw. Are you worried about me?” I dump my bag on the floor and slump into my seat.

I’m already dreading having to retake the prep medication. The second round failed. I watched as the hope fell from Emery’s eyes, and sorrow took its place. This time, she didn’t lean on her husband for support. She simply nodded her head and disappeared into the house. Xavier thanked me for trying again, and I tried to refuel his hope by reassuring him that the next round would work. It has to; this has already taken eight months of my life.

Summer came and went with blue skies and an even bluer mood. While Mia enjoyed cocktails in the sun, I worked and prepared for the second round. Autumn came with moving into Xavier’s home. Emery encouraged the idea with thoughts of being involved in the pregnancy being her only motivator. Xavier ultimately left the decision to me, but finding something affordable and geographically suitable was almost impossible.

The sun is long gone, replaced with drizzly days and dreary moods. Work is the last place I want to be, especially with Huxley in the office. I’ve learnt to appreciate the days he’s in the field. When he’s here, I’m restricted to my desk and can only dream of gossiping with Francesca.

My phone buzzes with Elliot’s name scrawled along the top. I silence the call and log into my computer.

“What good is having a PA when I get here for seven, and she rolls in at nine-thirty?”

“Did the building fall apart while I was gone?” I tilt my head. “Or were you just missing me?”

“I need ten copies of these,” he barks. The bastard tosses it across his desk instead of walking it over to me.

“Say ‘please’.”

That catches his attention. He looks at me, and I melt at how handsome he is. His dark hair is pulled back. His facial hair adds to his rugged look. “Learn to follow orders. When I say something, you do it immediately. Unless I give you permission, you don’t move.”

Some days, I get the playful Huxley that came out at Emery’s party. And then there are days he acts like a misogynistic pig. He would never speak to a man like that.

“Yes, sir,” I retort sarcastically. I stand up and collect the folder from his desk. I grin when I see Francesca standing at the copier machine. “Fancy seeing you here,” I joke.

She chuckles. “I missed our morning catch-up.” She peers past me. “I was going to come over but saw Ray’s in today.”

I roll my eyes. “It’s been five minutes, and he’s doing my head in.”
